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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
It seem like my Mobius have packed it in, when i power it, it looks like its recording allright, but after having it plugged in unplugged it a fjew times in the car and at home it only record some times.
ATM i am testing the SD card but no errors so far and it worked just fine in my SG9665GC before.

Now i wonder what i should get to replace it, it do duty covering the left side on my car ( just redsigned the DIY mount for it yesterday )
Will proberly have to be a mobius again, cuz money is tight here, and there is little room where its installed above the left rear door just behind the B pillar.
It seem like my Mobius have packed it in, when i power it, it looks like its recording allright, but after having it plugged in unplugged it a fjew times in the car and at home it only record some times.
ATM i am testing the SD card but no errors so far and it worked just fine in my SG9665GC before.

Now i wonder what i should get to replace it, it do duty covering the left side on my car ( just redsigned the DIY mount for it yesterday )
Will proberly have to be a mobius again, cuz money is tight here, and there is little room where its installed above the left rear door just behind the B pillar.

If money is tight and you want another Mobius you can buy a replacement PCB and use all the other parts. I'm not recommending Banggood to anyone these days but they do have the best price right now on a replacement PCB

BTW, Have you tried the reset button?

haha actually i have not tried the reset button :rolleyes::oops:

SD card just finished testing, and it was flawless.

Allso forgot all about replacement PCB, this is a little unusioal in this buy and trash age so i will forgive myself on this account.
haha actually i have not tried the reset button :rolleyes::oops:

SD card just finished testing, and it was flawless.

Allso forgot all about replacement PCB, this is a little unusioal in this buy and trash age so i will forgive myself on this account.

Yeah, the DIY remote lens cam I just posted about was built from a PCB, super-cap and replacement case I bought from Banggood. Maybe the reset button will work and you won't need to buy anything?
Hopefully, i think this have been going on since a updated to latest firmware a little while back.
The mobius in the back is not a cam i look at too often, i think i gotta get into a routine and inspect my cameras / SD cards at least every weekend.

Making static tests now on the table beside me, hopefully the cam capture my internet surfing and dont drop a beat.
No reset button dident work, at first it semed like it did, but then i deleted the fjew clips i made in my test and then let the camera record over night.
And this morning all i found on the memory card was 5 recordings.
Allso just found out the camera dont even record the 3 minute segmente its set to, all files are between 3 minutes and 2

Can this be due to me using kingston ? its what i allways have used in it and it use to work fine, but maybe firmware updates have changed this.
Well as per advice to everyone...
Few cards, one cam tested and to blame the cam?
I think kamkar1 needs some coffee ;)
Cards don't last forever. Maybe this one is about to croak? Try your other cards.

Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. The only time I've ever had any troubles with my Mobius cams even vaguely similar to this it was a bad card. (the card died of old age and exhaustion)
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My 32Gb laxxar card is in the cam as i type, but the other card tested out with no flaws, and it is my newest 64Gb kingston card ( not counting the U3 i got last week or so )

Lexar have seen a huge ammount of load, was in the old 4 channel analog system while in the car and allso the +1 year it was used at home.
Not tested the lexxar but it have been working perfect in the innovv C3.
It wouldn't be too surprising if a dying memory card worked OK in one place and not in another. Different voltages, speed of accessing, etc can tip the balance between working/not working.
Yeah it seem so, the 32 Gb lexxar have filled up and then some, and not a single beat missed.
Still freak me the "old" 62Gb card can pass h2testw 1.4 but not work in the mobius, so what do i do now to it to be able to RMA it.

Dont like cards "dying" but then not really dying, i guess that make them zombie cards.

O and just found out its not the lexxar card that have been in the mobius and working, its a old 32Gb kingston simmilar to my other 64Gb calss 10 U1 cards.
Hmmmm must be 64Gb card dying, just tried in a X cam, and that camera start to behave wierd and lock up with that card in it.
Have renamed the dying card to 64Gb bad zoombie, that way i can stay avay from it ( still keeping it for testing purposes )

Not liking having to buy new SD card 2 weeks in a row,,, okay then 3 or 4 ;) but still nasyt when you are flat ass broke like i am :rolleyes: