Road rage driver attacked my family. Time for the Blackvue DR900S

Guardian Lion

New Member
Apr 18, 2019
Reaction score
Littleton, CO
United States
Hello Everyone.

I'm a noob. The reason why I am here is because recently our family was targeted by a road rage driver. Without going into details, the police gave me and the driver a citation. Though I have corroborating evidence supporting my account of the story to which I believe will prevail with the prosecutor, if I had the dash cams then I would be quickly dismissed of the citation. Two days ago I was stalked by an aggressive driver even though I pulled over to let him have the road. And yesterday our family was tailgated, again, as we had the right-of-way going the speed limit.

I edited this post because dash riposki (below) believed it was acceptable to be judgmental. In order to keep this discussion going a good direction, it just made sense to modify this message to the importance of having quality dash cams. Road rage is real and aggressive drivers can provoke even in quiet neighborhoods.

I'm finally purchasing dash cams this week. I'm looking at installing:
• Blackvue dash cam DR900S 2 channel
• Blackvue battery B-124 Ultra, hard-wired to the fuse box
• I'm tempted to get two Thinkware F100 for the rear cargo area of my subaru outback, facing left and right. But this might be overkill.

Not sure about getting the lens filter. Does it really help? Does it impact the image at night? I've looked at lots of models and brands. I believe the DR900S video is phenomenal. The annoying "voice" by the Thinkware would be too much for me.

Your feedback is welcome.
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another driver believed he had the right to drive faster than the posted speed limit in a quiet neighborhood south of Denver. He was so close to my rear bumper I could not see his hood in my rear-view mirror. After his constant use of the horn, I slowed to a stop so he could pass. He stopped behind me for about 8 seconds then finally passed on my left. Since I thought he was just being an idiot, I resumed the drive. A few seconds after I resumed to 15-20mph, he slowed and slammed on his brakes. I simply went to his left to avoid an accident. He then accelerated, turned to his left and hit the right rear passenger door of my car. Then he slowed down and turned behind me and hit the rear of my car. Never once did I slam on my brakes, use the horn or lights, make any physical gestures, or use my car in any way to provoke him.

If you want to keep your family safe you need to stop interacting with OTHER road ragers.
You had to pass him to avoid an accident when he brake checked you at 15-20 MPH? Guess who was too close?

The brake checking and other minor crap is nothing, compared to when they jump out of the car with a gun.
Welcome to the forum fellow leo.
Yeah i guess road ragers are like internet trolls, you really do not want to interact with those after you have spotted one.
Front and rear cameras are where i get 99.9 % of my footage and i have side cameras too, side cameras are nice if you like to expose idiots on youtube, but for legal purposes a front and rear camera should be just fine.

If you want to go side cameras later on, you will be much better off with one of the coming dual remote cameras, that way you have a little camera each side offloading to a single memory card in a main unit you can have within reach or hidden within reach.
Using single cameras for side cameras, really soon that will at best be a financial issue.
Welcome to the forum fellow leo.
Yeah i guess road ragers are like internet trolls, you really do not want to interact with those after you have spotted one.
Front and rear cameras are where i get 99.9 % of my footage and i have side cameras too, side cameras are nice if you like to expose idiots on youtube, but for legal purposes a front and rear camera should be just fine.

If you want to go side cameras later on, you will be much better off with one of the coming dual remote cameras, that way you have a little camera each side offloading to a single memory card in a main unit you can have within reach or hidden within reach.
Using single cameras for side cameras, really soon that will at best be a financial issue.

Thanks kamkar1 for the welcome and the advice. It makes sense now to use one unit for the sides due to the memory card. Can you suggest any models for the sides?
For side cameras the coming dual remote cameras will be the best as they have smaller camera units, and after all it is not easy to fix cameras on the side of a car.

ATM my 2 cameras there ( mobius B lens and discontinued Innovv C3 ) are mounted in 2 different ways, the C3 are mounted on the plastic trim on the back of the R side B pillar, the Mobius are mounted off the headliner over the rear L door using magnets glued to the camera and a piece of sheet metal folded over so it could slide over the headliner.
My little Suzuki car are fortunate that it have a smaller fixed glass in both front and rear doors, so my plan are to mount new cameras off that glass on the rear doors, and have them angled a little bit forward ( probably not able to do more than a few degrees )
I am currently beta testing a camera named K2S but it is not yet in production, this are the one i plan to move to side camera use.
BUT ! this are not for sale yet, but probably will be soon.
I have some pics and also a little video footage in this sub forum.
Street guardian are also brewing on a dual remote camera, it will use a little larger camera units as they will use the same housing as they and others use for remote rear cameras on their conventional dual channel cameras.
Other brands i assume are also brewing on a dual remote camera system.
These are all a little out in the future, but i think within a month or two they should start to trickle out onto the market, first appearances will for sure be on this forum, so just hang in there.
As soon as they are released the different brands will probably make dedicated sub forums for those particular models.

No one have yet made a true side camera solution, and nobody will i think ,so you have to be creative and have a little DIY skills here.
Front and rear are fairly easy, side cameras are a whole new can of worms as cars can be very different in this area.
Are you planning on using it extensively for parking mode? Just curious because you could cut the cost of having the blackvue battery by just using the power magic pro hardwire kit.

Personally I have the 900 but my vehicle is almost always parked in either a private garage or secured parking structure. I just use the parking mode when I am parking somewhere in public which would not be more than a couple hours at a time.

Left/Right facing cams are an option, I know someone who has a 900 for the front and a 750 for the back they then use the two rear cameras for left and right. Personally I think it is overkill since front/back is more than enough evidence to prove what was happening.
As much by fate as by design I ended up with 2 cheap but decent cams which now cover my sides. They are good enough for their job and eliminate worries of front and rear cams not capturing whatever might be needed. They are like icing on the cake. Front and rear should be enough for most folks though.

Do know that your own driving shows on your cams too, so speeding, rolling stops, improper lane changes, whatever- your own cam(s) can "hang you" with that stuff. Put that to use by watching your vids and seeing your own faults, then correcting them. None of us is perfect, but your dashcam can help you in doing better. Mine have done that for me.

Please keep your interaction non-judgmental and non-shaming. You were not there and have zero understanding of the evidence such as the road layout. Clearly, I've been talking with attorneys who know the law and why it appears you do not know the law. There was reasonable cause to pass the other guy. You proved my point about the guy potentially having a gun - I'd never stop behind anyone and put my family in a vulnerable position with a shooter. So thanks for proving my point!! Have a good day!

Interacting with road ragers includes letting them see you are upset. Ignore them and they usually move on to find somebody else to play with.

Just remember to delete or edit your video like you did your original post when something happens. :)

The original post you edited suggested you were involved in mutual road rage, and apparently a few incidents in a short period of time,

If you do not want people to express opinions, it's better not to post information like this on public forums. (Which you eventually realized and deleted the content in question)

Gee, when you call my reply 'judgmental and shaming', aren't you being judgemental?
If you want to keep your family safe you need to stop interacting with OTHER road ragers.
You had to pass him to avoid an accident when he brake checked you at 15-20 MPH? Guess who was too close?

Dash Riposki,

At my plea hearing, the prosecutor looked at the evidence I presented then made a motion to dismiss my ticket. The judge accepted and the motion was granted to dismiss my ticket. They had access to the evidence, you do not. Please refrain from foolishly making baseless comments about something you know nothing about.
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I installed in both my cars:
• Blackvue DR900S-2CH for the front and rear.
• Blackvue 590W-2CH for the left and right sides.
• Blackvue B-124 Ultra battery for parking mode.

Since the left and right are not as important as the front and rear, I wanted something of good quality and could use the same phone app. It's easy to access any of the cameras by the same phone app. Though there is a blind spot near the front doors of both cars, about 80% of the surrounding area of the cars are covered. Wish I had done this sooner.
I installed in both my cars:
• Blackvue DR900S-2CH for the front and rear.
• Blackvue 590W-2CH for the left and right sides.
• Blackvue B-124 Ultra battery for parking mode.
Love the 360 coverage idea, but man how did we get to this point!?!? I would like such coverage but would prefer something less conspicuous. Put all the hardware accept for the actual camera in the trunk or elsewhere and make the actual cameras as small as possible. Some cars have built in cameras with 360 coverage but no user access to the feeds from those cameras. Now that would be nice!

Are you planning on using it extensively for parking mode? Just curious because you could cut the cost of having the blackvue battery by just using the power magic pro hardwire kit.

Personally I have the 900 but my vehicle is almost always parked in either a private garage or secured parking structure. I just use the parking mode when I am parking somewhere in public which would not be more than a couple hours at a time.

Left/Right facing cams are an option, I know someone who has a 900 for the front and a 750 for the back they then use the two rear cameras for left and right. Personally I think it is overkill since front/back is more than enough evidence to prove what was happening.

I hear what you are saying and it makes sense. For us, the better option is to juice the cams from a separate source than the car battery unless the car is running.
Dash Riposki,

At my plea hearing, the prosecutor looked at the evidence I presented then made a motion to dismiss my ticket. The judge accepted and the motion was granted to dismiss my ticket. They had access to the evidence, you do not. Please refrain from foolishly making baseless comments about something you know nothing about.

You got lucky, and having a lawyer helped. Ticket dismissal is not solely based on innocence, it's often there isn't enough evidence to continue, or it's just more convenient to move on.

No, I know nothing about being ticketed due to a road rage incident. I haven't figured out how to get a ticket in that kind of situation in over 4 millions miles of driving in the US.

I expressed an opinion on what you stated, that indicated it was a mutual road rage situation, then you deleted that info from your original post.

Good luck, it appears your cams will get a workout!
Lucky you quoted it so that we could all see what he said then. :ROFLMAO: