Rookie Question: Back-saving a clip

Montego Murph

New Member
Jun 25, 2024
Reaction score
Central IL
United States
I recently installed a SUVCON D370S camera which I bought in November (so the return window is miles in the distance...)

As I fiddle with it and try to figure out how it works, I'm realizing that it doesn't seem to have a feature that my previous cam (an Anker 29.99 "deal of the day" cam) had:
The problem is, I have no idea what the proper name of it is, so I'll have to describe and hopefully learn from the responses.

The old cam, I could be driving along and see a road rage situation unfolding in front of me. If I hit a particular button, it would save a 10-minute window of video: 5 minutes leading up to the save, and the following 5 minutes. That way I could save what led up to the collision, as well as what happened afterwards. Maybe a confrontation or something.

The new one also has a save button -- however it only saves from the moment I hit the button and not previous footage. So in this case, if a collision happens in front of me, I can hit "save" and record the aftermath as they pull over, which doesn't help. The only way to successfully save the footage would be to 1) go into the footage while driving, identify the clip, and hit "lock," or disconnect the camera altogether so I don't risk losing the footage if it loops around before I arrive home and then mess with it there.

I have contacted the manufacturer, and they insist that there is an automatic-save feature activated by g-force if I am hit, and that's all I should ever need.

I guess my first question is: 1) What is this feature called that I'm trying to locate, and 2) Shouldn't this be considered a pretty standard feature?
My hopes are that the feature is in there somewhere, but not knowing what it's called, I just can't find it.
1) What is this feature called that I'm trying to locate,
We normally call it a "Lock Button", or "Emergency Lock Button".
2) Shouldn't this be considered a pretty standard feature?

Although it is not always a fixed time, often it is the current video file that is saved (locked/write protected), plus the previous file if you are near the start.

Not a camera, or brand that I know anything about, although a google search suggests that it is yet another cheap fake 4K dashcam from an unknown brand. Doesn't mean it is no good, may be quite decent for the price, and any dashcam is much better than none, but it is not going to give the same quality/features/refined user interface/customer service as one of the established, well known brands - so don't be too confident of finding your feature, or of getting it added in a firmware update!

I have contacted the manufacturer, and they insist that there is an automatic-save feature activated by g-force if I am hit, and that's all I should ever need.
Do they have a website?

Welcome to the forum :)