Screen must be on for video download


New Member
Jun 4, 2018
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United States
Would it be possible to update the firmware to allow video downloads while the screen is off? It is rather inconvenient having to go into my Android settings, turn the sleep time to max each time i want to make a video download, and then turn my phone's sleep time back to the original time.
What is your phone module and version info.? And also, how about its video partition? 1 or 3 or 5 mins?
I have a oneplus one phone.

The video partition is set to 1 min as it takes quite a while to download.
Thanks for your reply, we will have a check and back to you very soon!
By the way, I had a test with my iPhone 7P, it keeps the screen on during downloading even if 30 seconds sleep time setup on iPhone!
Yes the original version.
Android 6.0.1 with cyanogenmod 13.0
Android can be finicky on the earlier versions, got access to another phone you can try to compare results?
I have a couple of tablets I can try it out on. I'll give it a try and report back.
I tried it using a nexus 7 tablet and when it went to sleep after I woke it the progress bar was missing although the download did work in the end. I just didn't know when it completed so I waited a few minutes until I thought it was safe to check. When it works for you after going to sleep, is the progress bar supposed to stay there?
I tried it using a nexus 7 tablet and when it went to sleep after I woke it the progress bar was missing although the download did work in the end. I just didn't know when it completed so I waited a few minutes until I thought it was safe to check. When it works for you after going to sleep, is the progress bar supposed to stay there?
Ok, will have a check with my team, and to see if they can do something!
My HTC U11 does the exact same thing. As soon as the screen goes off, download is cut off. It's running stock Android 8.0.0
I can confirm the same behavior with my Huawei Mate 10 pro running Android 8.0. Screen must be on or the downloading indicator disappears.
Can confirm here as well, spent a while waiting to download multiple videos (got to about 70%) and afterwards my screen shut off and the download was stopped (and I was unable to resume it by hitting download again). No files were saved onto my phone storage. I gave up and took the microsd card out to get the files.

Android Version: 7.1.2
App version: V1.7.1
DVR Version: V1.06.180103s
Any update on this? I am having the same issue. Also, is there a way to select multiple videos to download instead of just 1 video at a time?
Which phone module you use? Thanks!