Sd Card Wear Out


New Member
Apr 28, 2019
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Hi so i got my B1W Dashcam for Over 4/5 years now and is it Normal for sd card to Wear out? About like every 1-2 years sd Card Keeps Saying (sd Low speed) and does not stop i tried many times formatting it but noting Happens and i use samsung Evo Plus A2 V3 128GB
Hi so i got my B1W Dashcam for Over 4/5 years now and is it Normal for sd card to Wear out? About like every 1-2 years sd Card Keeps Saying (sd Low speed) and does not stop i tried many times formatting it but noting Happens and i use samsung Evo Plus A2 V3 128GB
It is normal for memory cards to wear out, they have a limited number of write cycles, so it depends on how much you use your dashcam, and on if you use it while parked. 1-2 years is about normal for a standard quality SD card with a lot of use, although I might expect a little more with a B1W since it has a fairly low bitrate. Maybe it has been suffering from high temperatures and that has reduced the life a little.

Generally, higher quality endurance cards should last longer, and larger cards should last longer since it takes longer to loop around the whole card, and if you want a really long lifetime then get an Industrial Grade card such as the Viofo cards, but you do pay extra for longer lifetime.

i use samsung Evo Plus A2 V3 128GB
A new Samsung Evo is not necessarily going to have the same lifespan as the older ones, they keep updating their technology to get larger capacity and get cheaper production costs. Viofo have recently put them in their "Not Recommended" list, because they are not reliably fast enough for high bitrate Viofo cameras, I don't know if that affects their suitability for the B1W, but worth a read:

You could try reformatting the old card using the SD Association's SD card Formatter, and do a slow format, sometimes this can speed cards up and remove the slow card errors, though maybe not for very long.
As stated above, flash memory wears out, no matter what the brand or format. If you are constantly writing and overwriting video on your flash drive, as a dashcam does, then your failure rates may be typical. Would need specific details of resolution, recording time, SD card size and age to know for sure.