Shenzhen CG Electronics on eBay and Aliexpress - China


Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Shenzhen CG Electronics on eBay and Shenzhen CG Electronics on Aliexpress is the same vendor from China. They sell Chinese dash cams only (no Korean or Taiwanese dash cams). This is also a very popular dash cam vendor and is often referred to as "Diana" since the main contact person is Diana Qin. This vendor is probably the most popular place to purchase the neutral F500LHD dash cam. Note that the prices are Aliexpress are cheaper than the equivalent products on eBay.

Most of the time, this vendor is clear in their ads. If you order something, you will receive what they describe in the ad. However there have been reports that when a problem arises, such as a defective dash cam, they are not the best at resolving the problem. They might deny it exists or blame the purchaser.

Overall their prices are competitive and the products they sell are generally reputable. However due to the after sales service, some people recommend caution. Note that they are still one of the most popular dash cam vendors today.

As with all vendors, the products they sell vary in quality. Some of the lower quality dash cam versions or "fakes" can be found here but they usually will make it clear what quality level they are selling.

If you have any positive or negative experiences with this vendor, please share it here.

Dash Cam Man
Re: Shenzhen CG Electronics on eBay and Aliexpress

There was one event that damaged the reputation of Shenzhen CG Electronics as well.

A number of Russians purchased this F900LHD from Shenzhen CG Electronics. It had the same firmware as the original version but was selling for cheaper. Some purchasers tried upgrading the firmware and that bricked their device. You can see some of the negative feedback on the listing. CG Electronics then changed their ad to make it clear that this camera has 2-pin battery connector (the original has a 3-pin connector). Note that this listing is no longer available.

If you purchase from this vendor, look for products that they sold a lot of. These are typically the legitimate dash cams. Overall, this vendor hasn't been "blacklisted" by the Russians yet since there are a lot of positive reviews as well and they do sell legitimate cameras at good prices.

Dash Cam Man