Shoulder driver almost wrecked into merging traffic

I wouldn't be able to stay on the road either if I was driving with my shoulders o_O
Nice video.
2 things honestly surprised me: the idiot didn't immediately cut into your lane, and then he actually let that car merge in front of him!
He was lucky it wasn't slippery or icy road.
If you notice, most of the time when people do very extreme stuff to get ahead in traffic, they rarely get anywhere?
You can continue on safely, not doing crazy stuff, and they'll still be within site, often doing one insane move after another?
Over the years I've discovered that the fastest way through traffic is by using your eyes and your brain instead of the accelerator and brake pedals. Look far ahead to see what the traffic is doing there, then be in the right position when you get there- it's that simple. I've "outran" many a speedster in my old slow vans doing just that because sitting up high I can see farther ahead than they can :cool: But you can still do it in a car, just not quite as easily. Smarter is faster ;)
