SJ8 4k video iso control?


New Member
Apr 29, 2018
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United States
I tried out the SJ7 earlier this year and was disappointed by two things.
1. There was no manual ISO control for videos. At night, most cameras go overboard on ISO and if you're recording something that has its own lighting, the subject is always washed out. It isn't difficult to do, my phone can do it (but my phone can't record 4K reliably, I just don't see it much.
2. The other issue was that the battery did not seat properly into the camera. It's like it would go in too much and disconnect. I had to stick a little piece of paper in there so that it would make contact. Even then, if I squeeze the camera the wrong way, it would just shut off. I hope that was a one off and not a problem with the whole series.
The Sj8pro have a max iso you can set, but other than that the camera choose what it like as i understand it.
Never had that battery issue with my Sj7 star.
But you are right cameras with unrestrained ISO tend to run amok in low light with the result the footage are very noisy, and that's just as bad at too dark footage.
but the MAX ISO should take care of that issue, ATM i think it default with a max ISO of 6400
Does "max iso" mean you limit the iso setting so it wont go above a certain value?

My example is something like a concert. Most of the frame is dark except the center with the singer/band which is lit with spotlights. The camera tries to raise the ISO so you can see the darkness (which in this case you don't care about) causing the part that is lit (the part that you want) to be completely white. With a regular camera or my phone, I will set my iso in the 200-600 range and get good results, but if let to auto, it will be up in the thousands.
with your example it might also be a good idea to try out different metering options so the camera focus on the center part, for a concert scenario i think center or spot metering would be the one to go for.
I should maybe say i don't have a SJ8pro, or i do but i was unlucky so it will have to go back to Amazon, and i will have to rely on my Sj6 air - legend and SJ7 star.
With the SJ8 Plus you have manual ISO that works for video also.
My friend have ordered a SJ8 plus today, he wanted something that can shoot 1080/120, and i hope it can do that just fine like it say in the specs.