SJ8 plus "issues"


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
So there seem to still be some issues with my friends camera, i have now fixed my computer so pinnacle studio 22 ultimate can accept H.265 videos from the camera.


Videos recorded in 720 / 240 seem to have a issue of some sort ( H.264 or H.265 don't matter ) and that is loading one such file into pinnacle and dropping it onto a channel there is a processing bar that slowly process the segment.
Not quite sure what it is for, maybe preview during editing process, either way with the 720/240 footage it just stop processing after a minute or 2, but on my computer / software i can still cut up the segment delete parts / slow down stuff to 30 FPS slow motion, and that do get processed all the way.
All other test recordings i have made with the 8 plus i can drop onto a channel and it will process all the way thru just fine, leading me to thing there must be some issue related to 720/240 footage,,,,, which i can or at least have processed just fine coming from my own SJ7 star camera.
So my sneaky feeling is it must be related to the SJ8 plus camera, but worst of all those 720/240 videps play just fine, also edit just fine just that process bar in my PSU22U stop, and in my friends PSU20U the same 720/240 lock up the whole program, or that is, if you are quick to cut a longer such clip up it will process, and the shorter parts you have left of that recording then process fine too, and the longer clips that stop processing, well it is never at the same time, some go on for a minute and then lock up or stop processing others can go as far as 2 minutes before the lock up ( friend computer / program ) or just stop processing ( my computer / program )

Something is very strange indeed, but i cant figure out what the hell it could be

Will upload a screen capture of my editing software later today.
We have rained in the Sj8 plus camera,,, i think at least from my testing, but my friend have been using his nikon Dslr for photos lately.
But that just changed as the memory card in it died, so i assume the 8 plus will see some more use, and if there is problem i am sure i will hear the whine though there are 34 KM between us.