Sjcam private forum passe?

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Deleted member 24437

Isn't it time to say bye,bye to the private forum since they seem to have no interest in the members problems with the sj7?
the guy that used to participate here left there over a year ago, don't think anyone else there is interested
I remember, all the more reason to scrap the private forum!
Seem like SJcam have abandoned all forums, even their own, clearly not customer care that are on the agenda with them.
Too bad, they could make it big i think by focusing on the tight things and with the right people, but it seem like thats never going to be.
Seem like SJcam have abandoned all forums, even their own, clearly not customer care that are on the agenda with them.
Too bad, they could make it big i think by focusing on the tight things and with the right people, but it seem like thats never going to be.
Isn't Tony Cams connected with them?
No Tony seem to have broken loose, i have no idea what he are up to, hopefully something good and cool.
Something good i hope, mediocre and bad are abundant.