SJCam SJ8 PRO - Custom Firmware

Biggest reason to be sad the 8 pro i ordered died minutes after arrival, and that's Falsificator working on it.
It could be much batter that's for sure, the company do seem th have been at best stagnating since the very popular Sj4000.
But to be honest personally now i am more into little devises like the Dji osmo pocket, the action i do do well the form factor of action cameras are not that ideal, the gitup F1 are much better then.
But in general it is regular filming i have a need for and so a regular camcorder or something like the osmo will be the best option.

Not that i would not like to try other cameras if some one think i should do that, but i don't think i will go out and buy a action camera of the normal kind.
It could be much batter that's for sure, the company do seem th have been at best stagnating since the very popular Sj4000.
But to be honest personally now i am more into little devises like the Dji osmo pocket, the action i do do well the form factor of action cameras are not that ideal, the gitup F1 are much better then.
But in general it is regular filming i have a need for and so a regular camcorder or something like the osmo will be the best option.

Not that i would not like to try other cameras if some one think i should do that, but i don't think i will go out and buy a action camera of the normal kind.
Tech4all and iftibashar did interesting reviews on the Dji osmo pocket-handy for bloggers!
Experimental firmware version - SJ8 PRO v1.3.0 - MOD#1.6+Test-10
-Bitrate values
-AE (exposure)
-AGC (gain)
-GOP (h.264 codec)
-BLC (black level)
-NR (noise reduction)
-Fine details
Joined.mp4_20190413_204027.911.jpg Joined.mp4_20190413_204121.503.jpg Joined.mp4_20190413_204134.590.jpg
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It remains to choose LUT to taste:
Буфер обмена-1.jpg
The modification of the firmware continues...
Same here, the middle one are very saturated, the left one not so bad but not as good as right one.
My preference goes to the center one,then the right one
In profiles VIVID and FLAT I can change the saturation, color and brightness components.
Crop in scale 100% of the original 4K screenshots:
How many hours do you spend in a day doing these things ?
How many hours do you spend in a day doing these things ?
It happens differently.
I can sit for five minutes and the result will be immediately,
but I can spend the night and the result will be zero...

Along the way, the photo mode is also being upgraded. For those who do not need RAW:
Фото ДО и ПОСЛЕ.jpg
Experimental version of the MOD FW: SJCam SJ8 PRO MOD#2.3


Интересует проверка исключительно режима 4K 30FPS с кодеком Н264.
Пожелания, хотелки и советы на данном этапе не принимаются к сведению.
Интересует только оригинальное видео не более 1 минуты или скриншоты ключевых кадров с оригиналов видео.
Собираю анамнез, на базе которого будет строиться дальнейшая работа по модификации.
Нужно видео в статике, динамике, различных условиях освещения. Комнатные тесты и съёмка с окна не интересуют.
Когда будет достигнут оптимальный результат, настройки будут перенесены в другие разрешения видео.
Данный МОД далеко не последний, поэтому претензии будут удаляться, дабы не засорять ветку.
Надеюсь на понимание и оригинальные материалы с вашей стороны...

Interested in checking only the 4K 30FPS mode with the H264 codec.
Wishes and advice at this stage are not taken into account.
I am only interested in the original video of no more than 1 minute or screenshots of key frames from the originals of the video.
I am collecting anamnesis, on the basis of which further work on modification will be based.
I need video in statics, dynamics, various lighting conditions. Room tests and shooting from the window are not interested.
When the optimal result is achieved, the settings will be transferred to other video resolutions.
This MOD FW is not the last, so the claims will be deleted so as not to clog the forum thread.
I hope for understanding and original materials from your side...

I can't register on videoreg. I didn't received any message with password to my account.
I try new values of brightness-contrast and everything connected with it.
I want the "0.0" exposure compensation to be default for the MOD.
Slightly overshadowed in vivid. In FLAT (last screenshot) left the same values.
Well, and checked the new metering table. Still fighting with the watercolor effect...
Yes the footage appear a little soft in that way, but not like need more sharpness soft.
Ambarella does not give instructions..)
All settings are searched only by experience with a lot of flashing the gadget.
About the huge amount of time that is required for this, I will not even speak...