Slow speed impact - tries to drive off!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mobius x3, G1W held as spare.

I'm certain the guy would've driven off if he could. Fortunately, after hitting the corner of a parked car behind me on my offside, he bounced back towards me & stalled his car. I guess he panicked & so had trouble getting the car going.
This allowed me to jump out & slap the back of his car to get him to stop.

Couple of mechanics who heard the commotion came to see.
I also left my details as a witness to the car behind me getting bashed - I saw it in my wing mirror.
Strange that nobody's contacted me though!
The speed and the way in which he was reversing, gave me the impression he doesn't have a driving licence.
No brains or common sense at all there..... **or maybe it was just too hard for him to look slightly to his left & down (Frozen Neck Syndrome?)**....glad it was minor

A rear facing DC would have been u get one soon ;)

** I just laughed, but I left that sentence as I wrote it, to show that I'm as lame as I look....obviously, I thought of us left side drivers...not u UK types.**
The driver was just old. He was all for going and not giving me his details since "there was no damage to your bus".
Yeah, screw that, I get a bonus if I don't wreck the vehicle.
I'd love to fix up a rear cam - but the back windows just get covered in too much road crap.
Still heard nothing from the Audi driver either!