Something to replace 0805


New Member
Nov 18, 2015
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United Kingdom
Bought the 3rd Gen 0806 hoping all the issues had been solved. Sadly, I was wrong.

Had it setup with two 128GB cards, motion detection on high. Works perfectly for a few days then something somewhere falls over. Got around this by restarting it every few days (hardwired on 24/7).

But now it has died and I don't want another one.

The camera(s) will be left on 24/7 hardwired.
  1. Don't need GPS
  2. 1080p (ideally higher).
  3. Takes two 128GB SD cards (or must record at high res and high quality for a minimum of 48 hours).
  4. Motion detection to enable point 3.
  5. Budget isn't infinite, an 0806 equivalent that works properly would be perfect...
  6. Eventually want front/rear so a dual system is OK.
  7. Discrete as possible as it is left in the car

There are hundreds of the things but I can't find anything that A) Fits the bill and B) actually works properly... What are my options that I may have missed!?

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assume you meant 0806, the dual card switching doesn't work as expected, I guess you know that already

don't really know of anything that meets all your criteria so you need to think about what you're willing to compromise, avoid anything with an internal battery if you intend having it run 24/7, it won't live long otherwise
yep. I'm thinking you meant 0806. I really like my 0805 but I wish that it would take 128GB cards natively, had a super capacitor for my 24/7 uses and pre-buffered motion detect. and it seems like they're planning that the next mini will have super caps but I'll wait until I see some solid reviews.
If you want another tested thoroughly 0805, I have listed just the 0805 camera on ebay.. ;)

you cant go wrong at £22.50 plus postage, its like new.
If you want another tested thoroughly 0805, I have listed just the 0805 camera on ebay.. ;)

you cant go wrong at £22.50 plus postage, its like new.

can't argue the price, one that has actually been tested is worth that alone
might suit someone who wants a good cheap camera and powers via the camera and prepared to make a little block and bond it to the camera then use sticky pad to window.

use your imagination !

Some £25 good Mobius on there too. they don't hang around !
Sorry yes meant the 0806.

I suppose the most important thing is that it can deal with 24/7 recording, store 48 hours or more (car is left for this time unattended occasionally - and my old car was damaged in such a period.) and is 1080p or higher.

It's technically possible, the 0806 does it. Just not reliably. Does a 'reliable 0806' exist?
Does a 'reliable 0806' exist?

I think so..

you need to change your power cord..

plug the power cord into the camera not the base..

the base should have the plastic angle things mounted opposing to give a bit extra protection from heat of the glass and move the camera slightly further back..

and then you ve done all you can bar a sunshade for it :D:D
It already sits quite far back as the thing at the top of the windscreen contains all the rain/radar/detention sensors and is all curved.

Plus it hasn't reached abouve 20C and hasn't been sunny since I installed it! Cable isn't straining, etc.
Sorry yes meant the 0806.

I suppose the most important thing is that it can deal with 24/7 recording, store 48 hours or more (car is left for this time unattended occasionally - and my old car was damaged in such a period.) and is 1080p or higher.

It's technically possible, the 0806 does it. Just not reliably. Does a 'reliable 0806' exist?

it won't last recording 24/7, the battery will give in, to be fair though it was never designed with 24/7 usage in mind
If you want another tested thoroughly 0805, I have listed just the 0805 camera on ebay.. ;)

you cant go wrong at £22.50 plus postage, its like new.
Just recommended that one of yours to someone on FB mate, think they're Welsh so if it does go that way it's them :)
What if I reduce my requirements to 24/7 recording, 48 hours minimum (can be continuous if no motion detection mode) at 1080p or higher?

If something like this doesn't exist, what on earth are all these cameras good for!?

The only times mine and my friends cars have been damaged is when parked and the only accident I've been in wouldn't have been caught on a front/rear camera either.

As an engineer I cannot believe for one second that this design use case hasn't been considered as an essential feature...
What about two of the Street Guardian SGZC12RC cameras if you want front and rear from @niko?

With a 200GB card in you'd get around 30 hours if you recorded continuously or just turn on the motion detection.

I run a Panorama X2 (constantly on) alongside the SG9665GC (only on when driving). The X2 is similar but no new developments have happened there for a while.

One of the new Mini cameras has a supercap in there, no one has tried it yet though, likewise you've got the new Joovuu camera but that's having issues of it's own currently.

Your biggest issue is powering it - if you leave the car without running it for 48 hours you may have issues at this time of year as voltages drop quicker in the cold weather - you can put a voltage limiter on but then that will cut out when it hits a safe threshold.

The only times mine and my friends cars have been damaged is when parked and the only accident I've been in wouldn't have been caught on a front/rear camera either.

As an engineer I cannot believe for one second that this design use case hasn't been considered as an essential feature...

there are some cameras that can do this, the majority can't, none are completely effective regardless
What about two of the Street Guardian SGZC12RC cameras if you want front and rear from @niko?

With a 200GB card in you'd get around 30 hours if you recorded continuously or just turn on the motion detection.

I run a Panorama X2 (constantly on) alongside the SG9665GC (only on when driving). The X2 is similar but no new developments have happened there for a while.

One of the new Mini cameras has a supercap in there, no one has tried it yet though, likewise you've got the new Joovuu camera but that's having issues of it's own currently.

Your biggest issue is powering it - if you leave the car without running it for 48 hours you may have issues at this time of year as voltages drop quicker in the cold weather - you can put a voltage limiter on but then that will cut out when it hits a safe threshold.

Thanks, SGZC12RC looks like a contender. Car has two batteries (stop/start) adding up to 1000Ah, so even a 12V 1A draw it should last a good week without causing any starting issues.

What if I reduce my requirements to 24/7 recording, 48 hours minimum (can be continuous if no motion detection mode) at 1080p or higher?

If something like this doesn't exist, what on earth are all these cameras good for!?

I know very little about the variety of cameras, but I do know you'd have to drop down to 720p in order to even attempt to achieve 48 hours or more of recording. I have one file that is 3 minutes @1080p and it's 321mb.