Speed Camera Warning


Jan 6, 2019
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Thinkware Q800 Pro
I am picking up a new car this week (Tesla M3) which come with a built in cam but the cam does not include speed camera warnings - short of installing an additonal cam with that feature what options do I have?
My solution, as you're also in the UK, is to use Speedtrap Alert on my phone.

That uses the reknown PocketGPSWorld database that is updated weekly.

I have my phone paired to my car headunit so the alerts come over the car system.
My solution, as you're also in the UK, is to use Speedtrap Alert on my phone.

That uses the reknown PocketGPSWorld database that is updated weekly.

I have my phone paired to my car headunit so the alerts come over the car system.
Thanks I'll take a lookat that . . . I'll be looking for stuff like is it a data pr power hungry app other other costs to it?
The PGPSW database has an annual subscription, but, if you report a new or removed fixed camera, then once verified you get a year free.

I have my phone in a powered car cradle so no power issues and I have a 4Gb monthly allowance but I come nowhere near it.

Oh, just remembered, STA is Android only.
You don't need speed camera warnings if you stick to the legal limit, and don't speed... ;)
You don't need speed camera warnings if you stick to the legal limit, and don't speed... ;)

I can't help but keep noticing how often Tesla drivers just love to experience the thrill of how fast these cars can accelerate. They look for any excuse. Not long ago, I was on an inclined entrance ramp to a major interstate highway when a tourist from out of state driving a Tesla Model 3 came blasting through a yield sign from a merging lane right in front of me as if it were not even there because he knew he could do it fast enough to avoid an accident, even knowing it was a completely illegal maneuver.

At first, it really pissed me off but I do have to admit it was amusing to see one of these vehicles accelerate like that.
i don't have any desire to put my foot down and I do not 'speed' but some times on some roads it's easy to drift over 35mph in a 30 zone or 45 ina 40 zone ans that brings years of paind every time to insurance is due.

You don't need speed camera warnings if you stick to the legal limit, and don't speed... ;)
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone . . .
I can't help but keep noticing how often Tesla drivers just love to experience the thrill of how fast these cars can accelerate. They look for any excuse. Not long ago, I was on an inclined entrance ramp to a major interstate highway when a tourist from out of state driving a Tesla Model 3 came blasting through a yield sign from a merging lane right in front of me as if it were not even there because he knew he could do it fast enough to avoid an accident, even knowing it was a completely illegal maneuver.

At first, it really pissed me off but I do have to admit it was amusing to see one of these vehicles accelerate like that.
i don't have any desire to put my foot down and I do not 'speed' but some times on some roads it's easy to drift over 35mph in a 30 zone or 45 in a 40 zone and that brings years of paind every time to insurance is due.
I fully agree that if you don't speed then you won't get a ticket.

However, these days, cars are so comfy and quiet so it's very easy to drift over the limit, especially in these new UK 20mph city zones.

I just like to have a verbal warning to serve as a reminder that there is a camera ahead so I can check.

I prefer to keep my eyes on the road, not on my speedo.
i don't have any desire to put my foot down and I do not 'speed' but some times on some roads it's easy to drift over 35mph in a 30 zone or 45 in a 40 zone and that brings years of paind every time to insurance is due.

I'm sure not every Tesla owner drives like that.

In the town near where I live there is a 16 bay Tesla super-charger facility just off the highway near where the incident I described took place, so we see a LOT of Teslas around here, especially urban tourists from out of state, many of whom think they can behave any way they like because they are in a rural area with wide open roads. You often see them pulled over to the side of the road getting ticketed by the police.
I use a app on my phone that tell where the 10 or so ( nationwide ) fixed speed cams are, and not least the many mobile speed traps that people report the location of, though most often they are in the same places every day, and you can almost set your clock by them.

Even if in general i try my best to be on the speed limit, then the app is just a extra precaution to not get a ticket like my friend got, so he got ticketed for going 1 km/h over the limit.
And the mobile speed traps though manned by a person will do that, where as a cop pulling you over might say dude be cool on the gas pedal.

Personally i am in favor of more cops doing work regarding speeders, than what they are doing ( getting more fixed speed traps ) even if it is sorely needed, fur instance in my birth town ( the #2 largest Danish town ) just looking at how people drive, it is easy to see when you are near one of the many ghetto areas in that town.
And here i am not talking speeding a little, i am talking speeding A LOT - driving on bicycle paths and sidewalks, and running red light and other unsafe driving, IMO there should be 2-3 unmarked traffic cop cars in those areas 24 / 7 / 365.
as an aside . . . my dash cam (I believe) has within its memory the location of fixed speed cameras and when I drive near that location it would warn me. Corret me if I am wrong but I presume the came knew where it was via some satelite loaction system - my question is who pays fr that; I didn't pay a subscription to access that satelite. In the same way the Sat Nav in my car knows where I am and how to get me from A to B - so I get FREE access to the global positining atelite??
Thanks to those who provided helpful replies. This is a Dash Cam forum . . . .what / where is the nearest thing to a speed cam warning devce forum?
The TeslaCAM was added as an afterthought to the self-driving system in the Tesla. The cameras are optimized for self driving use, not dashcam operation. The TeslaCAM is low resolution with no audio and poor color rendition. Worse, since the dashcam function is lower priority than the safety functions of the system, it is unreliable, and tends to skip the critical portion of any accident. While any dashcam is better than no dashcam, ALL dashcams are unreliable, the Teslacam more so than most. My suggestion is to buy some aftermarket dashcams, and install them in parallel with the built in dash cams.

The problem with speed cameras, is that they are far more about the revenue stream than about safety. The money they output incentivizes those who want the money to lower the speed limit near the camera to an unreasonably low limit to increase the flow of cash. The only way that speed cameras can possibly be fair is to keep the money away from the people who control the speed limits and a cameras. The same problem exists with red light cameras. A red light camera gets installed, and suddenly the yellow light gets one second shorter. Even toll roads are a problem. A toll road gets built, and suddenly they lobby against upgrading the parallel toll free roads. Where I live, there are now toll lanes on what used to be freeways. Soon all lanes will be toll lanes.
I would assume the database are generated out of used reports, the App i use is 100 % user driven, so when you pass a place there a speed van are set up or they stand there with laser guns in hand, you just press the add sped checkpoint in the app, you can also add other things like road works - traffic jam ASO, but those require more button clicks on the phone.

The app are free but do have a paid for premium version with more features i suppose, you can also buy little hardware devises that are Bluetooth, but i do not know if they are relying on the phone or what to get updates.
The speed vans here usually change location every few hours.
Fixed speed cameras i assume are fixed or at least dont get moved around a lot.

There are also the "issue" of ANPG cameras, which can pretty much track you where you drive, more and more of those are going up here in Denmark, though they say for traffic counting reasons, i just wonder why not do traffic counting using one of the much cheaper ways,,,, why use license plate reading cameras,,,,, you can also count traffic ( vehicle / types / humans with just regular CCTV cameras )

Access to all of the GPS systems are free, but as a mere mortal you do not get the super high accuracy, which in some cases are down to mere mm VS the Meters you get normally.
The European Galileo System, if you could make a guided missile small enough and have top tier access, you could shoot a person with that and send the missile thru the old fashioned keyhole in the front door.
I am humming the old Liza Minnelli tune now. ;)

Thanks to those who provided helpful replies. This is a Dash Cam forum . . . .what / where is the nearest thing to a speed cam warning devce forum?

Is a start. It does lean towards the PGPSW database though.

TomTom have speed cameras but owners report infrequent updates. The only SatNav I know about with its own free (Cyclops) database is Garmin.