Still pulling my hair out over Blackvue 650 reliability **resolved**


New Member
Sep 18, 2015
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Blackvue 650 2 CH
I have the Blackvue 650 2CH dashcam which is hardwired using the Power Magic Pro. Since buying the unit in September I have had no end of issues with it, sometimes working as it should, other times it just doesn't do as it should. My latest problem is this.
The unit doesn't always power up when I start the engine and sometimes comes on 10minutes to 30 minutes whilst driving, I believe this to be some issue with the PMP and I'm getting this replaced on Monday so hopefully that will solve that problem. Now when the unit does power up the GPS light comes on so clearly there is power getting to the unit but that is all that happens. The unit doesn't record, no Wi-Fi light comes on, the format button on the side doesn't do anything. I have tried 2 SD cards which I have formatted on my computer and I have put onto these both firmware 2.002 and 1.009 in case there are firmware problems, I have checked these on my computer and it says both firmwares folders are present but when I put these into the device I get absolutely nothing. It's like it doesn't even recognise the card is in the device. Surely if it was a faulty SD card it wouldn't have the folders on in the first place?
I am now at my wits end with everything so does anyone have any idea what the solution would be to this?
I'm using the Blackvue 16GB which came with the unit and also a 64GB Delkin card
I have the Blackvue 650 2CH dashcam which is hardwired using the Power Magic Pro. Since buying the unit in September I have had no end of issues with it, sometimes working as it should, other times it just doesn't do as it should. My latest problem is this.
The unit doesn't always power up when I start the engine and sometimes comes on 10minutes to 30 minutes whilst driving, I believe this to be some issue with the PMP and I'm getting this replaced on Monday so hopefully that will solve that problem. Now when the unit does power up the GPS light comes on so clearly there is power getting to the unit but that is all that happens. The unit doesn't record, no Wi-Fi light comes on, the format button on the side doesn't do anything. I have tried 2 SD cards which I have formatted on my computer and I have put onto these both firmware 2.002 and 1.009 in case there are firmware problems, I have checked these on my computer and it says both firmwares folders are present but when I put these into the device I get absolutely nothing. It's like it doesn't even recognise the card is in the device. Surely if it was a faulty SD card it wouldn't have the folders on in the first place?
I am now at my wits end with everything so does anyone have any idea what the solution would be to this?
Hi JaseQ, After many problems with my camera, it had to be sent back for repair on 15 September, yes 15 September. I don't have a clue where in the world it is now as it had to back to Korea, via the UK Distributor, and the warranty expired in December. I couldn't get it replaced as I purchased it from the previous distributor, and they are not interested. As your camera is still under warranty, try to get it get it replaced.

I wired up my PMP to a fuse marked as ign, and the other to the hazard light's fuse, using 3amp fuses. I didn't have any power issues.

The UK Distributor is NWX Group (
However, If you didn't buy it from them, you may suffer the same fate as me. If that's the case, try to get your money back via your credit card (Section 75).

The Pittasoft contact is John Lee (


Thanks for that info John. I'll see what happens tomorrow when I have the PMP replaced and hopefully my unit isn't at fault as this is the 3rd one I've had in the space of a few months. I'll update the post with the outcome. Fingers crossed
Well it appears that the power magic pro box was in fact the problem as when this was replaced everything is working again as it should (touching wood).
Seems I spoke too soon. All working yesterday when the PMP was replaced. Seemed to be working for most of today while in parking mode then on the drive from work I heard 'the blackvue is now shutting down' and off it went, cam back on about 20 minutes later and when I parked the car up it shut down again and hasn't come back on since. Frustrated!!
Still sounds like a power or overheating issue
If only I knew which one.
Yes I'll have to try something else as I'm at a loss with it all. I've just ordered a car cigarette lighter voltage tester so that I can see what is happening with the car battery voltage while I'm driving to see whether it drops significantly.
If only I knew which one.
I am suspecting it could be a ground issue with your wiring. Ensure the ground wire is well grounded. When it (camera) goes off.. is the light on your PMP on. It (the light) should be on when the car key is in the on position.. irregardless of the switch position and on only with when the switch is on and the car key is off.
The camera has worked as it should today but I'll expect it to shut off at some point. In relation to the PMP light, yes it stays on when the camera shuts down and I have even noticed previously before the PMP box was swapped that there were times when the light stayed on even when I knocked the on/off switch on the box to off which was a little bit weird. I am going to be sent a replacement camera power lead to see if that makes a difference. Again I'll update with what happens but thanks for all of the suggestions so far.
And once again it has just switched off after being parked for an hour. I really hope it is either the ground or the power lead.
?? Has not whatever you are using (PMP ?) simply cut the power to save your battery ?
I wouldn't have thought so.would it do that after just five minutes into the journey as it did this morning? My battery was tested recently and it is in good condition. I am however purchasing a battery tester which plugs into the cig lighter so I can see the voltage of the battery as I drive to rule this possibility out.
I wouldn't have thought so.would it do that after just five minutes into the journey as it did this morning? My battery was tested recently and it is in good condition. I am however purchasing a battery tester which plugs into the cig lighter so I can see the voltage of the battery as I drive to rule this possibility out.
If.. it turns off while driving the PMP should not be shutting it off.. at that point it is directly connected to the ACC circuit. Only.. a loose connection somewhere along the line would cause the camera to shut off. Is the male cigarette lighter thingmie well seated into the female part of the PMP output.. could there be a bad connection at that point?
It appears to be well seated but there have been a couple of times when the camera has shut down that I've had to fiddle around with that part of the PMP and it has come back on so I may have to either tape it or cable tie it together? Also the cig lighter bit tends to hang down thereby I guess increasing the risk of it becoming loose during car journeys maybe so I've managed to secure it so it doesn't hang and will have to see how that goes. I'm convinced it is something like that which is the cause of the problems.
I think the problem has been solved. I was sent a replacement power lead for the camera and everything is now working fine so there clearly was some issue with the previous power cable which was causing the camera to shut off/not start up when the ignition was turned on and all of the other issues that I had. Hopefully now I'll be able to use the unit as intended.