web site marked as spam url?


Active Member
Feb 21, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Internet access at my company is controlled thru a proxy and some type of protection software to prevent access to blacklisted urls (don't know much about this). When I try to go to the web site from within my company's network, it doesn't allow me to because of the following. Why does McAfee mark as a spam url?

If you believe the Reputation is incorrect, please email and request to have the URL reviewed.

Alert: This website has a Security Reputation Rating of High Risk
Category: Spam URLs
Site Reputation: Medium Risk
Code: Reputation Coaching
some companies block any site that contains a forum, has ads from certain providers, or if it detects malware in the ads, even though the ads don't normally come from the actual site.
there's links to executable files on the support page, only thing I could think of, there's nothing there that's a problem but that's how software like McAfee behaves, don't know what this is so it must be bad
there's links to executable files on the support page, only thing I could think of, there's nothing there that's a problem but that's how software like McAfee behaves, don't know what this is so it must be bad
We ditched McAfee at my current employer because we got tired of all the false positives, and actual real stuff that it would miss entirely.
We ditched McAfee at my current employer because we got tired of all the false positives, and actual real stuff that it would miss entirely.

yeah I know what you mean, quite a lot of these types of things are much the same, the real stuff gets by and they block stuff with no issues, have reported this to McAfee anyway as unfortunately it does come with a lot of branded PC's as a free trial so there are people out there that get affected by it
My company does this.
yeah, it's a company decision, not the vendor (mcafee/sophos/symantec/microsoft/etc) and it's often implemented with a network appliance. many also block stuff like IM programs, social media, youtube, and streaming stuff like netflix/youtube/pandora/etc. at least blocking streaming makes sense if they're trying to save bandwidth. my company blocks next to nothing unless it's on some sort of blacklist because it has or had malware on it. i guess their take is "if we catch you spending too much time on fb/youtube/etc instead of actually working, then we'll take disciplinary action up to and including termination". they don't even block porn, but that's because we're a lawfirm and apparently porn sites like to steal content, so the IP group actually has a legitimate reason to go to those sites - to verify infringement. obviously if you're going to sites like that a lot, or aren't involved in those cases (or are "verifying" claims more than once or twice), you'll get in trouble just like spending too much time on FB/YT/etc. then again they also throw a lot of parties right in the office (complete with plenty of alcohol) when they win big cases. it's a different sort of culture.