Stuck between a few models for my first cam.


Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Hey guys,

So I'm stuck between a few models for my first cam. I don't mind size at all, since I won't be moving it around from car to car, it's going to hard-wired into my car. GPS isn't a necessity, I don't mind having it or not. The only real thing is the price point. I don't want to go over 100-120 + a microSD card and hardwire equipment (not included in price, those I already have)

Right now I'm stuck between the RX300, G1W-C, and GT680W. Are there any better options at this price-range?

Reading reviews and everything for the past couple of days, I'm leaning towards the RX300, but it's not a final decision by any means. It doesn't even have to be a SeeZeus camera, those are just the ones which were top-rated at this price point.

Any suggestions would be welcome!
What's your budget?
Lol I'm an idiot

Have you checked out the Möbius, Mini 0801, or the LS300W (dunno about this one)? They all seem to fit into your price range (möbius is $90, Mini/LS are $105)
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Just took a look at the mini 0801. It looks pretty good, and video quality is just as better than the rx300. Thanks for the suggestion. I don't really like the mobius, and the ls300w seems to be pretty expensive.
Just took a look at the mini 0801. It looks pretty good, and video quality is just as better than the rx300. Thanks for the suggestion. I don't really like the mobius, and the ls300w seems to be pretty expensive.

Rx300, ls300w and Mobius video is better than 0801 in day and at night.
So from video point of view 0801 is loosing to all above named. Its winning in size and quick mount release option.

From 0801 series, the next upcoming 0803 will be better than named above.
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Rx300, ls300w and Mobius video is better than 0801 in day and at night.
So from video point of view 0801 is loosing to all above named. Its winning in size and quick mount release option.

From 0801 series, the next upcoming 0803 will be better than named above.

Very cool, thank you for the information. You think it's worth waiting for the 0803? I might be getting the RX300 if the 0803 won't be out for a while (1-2 months). I know you're one of the go-to members on the forums Niko, so what's your opinion of the cams in the $100-120 range?
Very cool, thank you for the information. You think it's worth waiting for the 0803? I might be getting the RX300 if the 0803 won't be out for a while (1-2 months). I know you're one of the go-to members on the forums Niko, so what's your opinion of the cams in the $100-120 range?

Its very hard to recommend to you or someone else, because I have to know not only product, but yourself as well: you way of thinking, which are your needs for dashcam functions, specs, design, etc. There are so many very little things for me which are important to me when comes to chosing dash cam for myself ( I am a spoilt gadget-kiddo, LOL ), so it would be not appropriate for me to recommend my choice, which might not be in accordance of your choice / taste / priorities. Hope you know what I am trying to say. I can only help you to compare specs and performance of different dashcams that I have had tested if knowing your exact questions.
Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I guess from everything I reviewed, I'm gonna go w/ the RX300.

Thanks again mate.
Hello everybody ! Niko , did you say that new mini0803 has a better video than GT 680,RX300,LS300?( a Mobius I have already one).Maybe same as Panorama II/S ? These are mine options . I know you have to have one to compare with competitors,but when you appreciate you will test one Mini 0803 ?What your feeling say about new coming mini ? Your opinnion is very important to me . Thank you
Hello everybody ! Niko , did you say that new mini0803 has a better video than GT 680,RX300,LS300?( a Mobius I have already one).Maybe same as Panorama II/S ? These are mine options . I know you have to have one to compare with competitors,but when you appreciate you will test one Mini 0803 ?What your feeling say about new coming mini ? Your opinnion is very important to me . Thank you

I didnt say the video of 0803 will be better, I said overall 0803 will ( should ) be better just by looking at CPU., - it uses A7, which is more reliable. CMOS (AR0330 ) its the same as named above, so from video quality they are in the same "bucket", still its all about how good developer will tune up FW on 0803. From HW point 0803 can not be better than Pano2 but again, - if FW is tuned up correctly ,then video could be quite close to Pano2.
Pano2 overall beats other mid-price range dashcams, however we can not compare those two, because they are from different price-ranges.

Yes, as soon as I get 0803 I will start doing different side by side with other dashcams, first of all with its brother 0801 and then with others, depending on how much free time I have.
Thank you Niko for your promptitudine, as ussualy. What I wanted to say is,supposing you dont know the prices , if you put the video of two side by side , will be a (great) difference or it will be barelly perceptible ? So, will be 0803 a good alternative to another one(ex GT 680 ) reffering only to video quality ?
Thank you Niko for your promptitudine, as ussualy. What I wanted to say is,supposing you dont know the prices , if you put the video of two side by side , will be a (great) difference or it will be barelly perceptible ? So, will be 0803 a good alternative to another one(ex GT 680 ) reffering only to video quality ?

price , - dont know.
side by side result, - dont know until I put them together in real life and only then can say. All other "facts" about which is better on not are speculative. Only real life side by side can say.

So its just the matter of time to wait.
price , - dont know.
side by side result, - dont know until I put them together in real life and only then can say. All "facts" about which is better or not are speculative. Only real life side by side can say.

So its just the matter of time to wait.
Since it is just pending firmware fixes, it shouldn't take too long, not much more than a few more weeks (5-6?)ive seen the development thread on this forum and everything looks pretty good so far. I might just wait because I like the physical appearance of the mini more. And it shouldn't have any of that "noise" issue found with the processor of the rx300.