Sub-200€ Dual Channel Dashcam with GPS


New Member
Sep 8, 2024
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Hey guys, I am in need of a new dashcam to replace my old iTracker mini0806. There is lots of information about lots of dashcams and it is drowning me to a point where I can't decide.

I already narrowed it down a bit: I simply need a dual-channel dashcamw ith built in GPS. I don't really care about the resolution (just about the video quality itself), a screen or other features. As far as I researched, resolution doesn't always mean better quality, so I guess I would be in for a 1440p dashcam with a good picture.

I already bought a Vantrue E2 as it seems to be a good camera and there was a deal on Amazon. I was very thrilled, until I saw the size of the camera itself: It is a big box hanging away from the windshield and I don't like that very much. I'd prefer something smaller or simply a wedge format.

I could narrow it down to either the Vantue S1 Pro, the Viofo A129 Pro or the Viofo A139. They all have their pros and cons, but my knowledge isn't that deep to make a quick decision...

Is there any help you can give me to help? Thank you all in advance!
As far as I researched, resolution doesn't always mean better quality, so I guess I would be in for a 1440p dashcam with a good picture.
You could add the Viofo A229 Plus to your list. 1440P is sufficient resolution for European plates and the better image sensitivity and HDR for night time plate reading is a good upgrade on the A129 Pro. Of course the A229 Pro is better still, but at extra cost. The 4K cameras can see further, but for accident recording, the other car tends to get quite close. A129 Pro is still a good camera though, especially if you don't do much night driving.