Suggestions for mounts?


New Member
Dec 9, 2013
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United States
I've had a 207 for 4-5 months now and enjoy everything about it except the mount that came along with it. One of the primary reasons I wanted one is to be able to turn the camera to the driver or passenger door to film potential police encounters, which the standard mount can't really do. I've seen many videos out of Russia where the driver can turn it left or right pretty freely with some kind of racheting apparatus. I've also found the Arkon CMP220 which is bendy like a desk lamp, but the reviews say it can make for shaky video.

Any advice on windshield mounts for the DVR-207?
Hi there,

There are multiple threads discussing the available options for mounting your DVR-207, just check the older threads buried in the second and third pages of this forum. Go along with only the titles that sound relevant. Since this is an old question, most of the links are outdated but you can still get an idea of what you're looking for.

Personally, I bought these (originally suggested by @Gurkha9) but it seems the seller is no longer posting them:

There's also some other users that purchased these but DX doesn't seem to have them in stock right now:

Finally, there are similar items in Amazon, albeit a bit more costly than the previous options:
Thanks for the timely feedback guys. It looks like I need anything with a ball joint then. Will a mount that size for sure accomodate the 207? And can you comment on the adhesive strength?

Thanks again for your information
Thanks for the timely feedback guys. It looks like I need anything with a ball joint then. Will a mount that size for sure accomodate the 207? And can you comment on the adhesive strength?

I would only recommend what I am currently using or have used in the past. Make sure to clean the windshield part with isopropyl alcohol and you should be ok.
Yes it works fine with a DVR 027 and has for a while without any issues. I recently put one of these even smaller ones in one of my cars:'s removable as well so only the base stays on the windshield.
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I use a 3-lobed beanbag with a flat plastic plate in the center. The standard DVR-207 suction cup mounts to the beanbag plate. The standard mount provides 2-way adjustment for up/down and side-to-side tilt. If I want to I can easily swivel the camera to the left or right by loosening the knurled nut that holds the standard mount to the DVR-207. And I like being able to take the camera off the dash and cover it when I'm parked in "iffy" areas. The only drawback is that the videos are upside down. However, the free Microsoft Movie Maker that came with Windows 7 does a great job of rotating them if needed.