T790 reviews and issues


New Member
Apr 23, 2017
Reaction score
I live in Brisbane Australia where temperatures can exceed 35c outside and 45 c plus in side the car during summer. Since buying a Impreza 2017 I have decided to install a dash cam.
My requirements are:
Ease of use
small compact as it has to fit between eyesight cameras
Great battery /capacitor life
Auto Parking mode
Wifi to iPhone.
Better than average day and night videos.

So far the T790 ticked all the boxes however I am having s hell of a time finding any reviews from users. so I would be delighted to hear from real users of the cam.
great camera and quality compact
can interfere with DAB reception on a scale of 1 >10 "9"
picture quality great find iOS works better than android apps
working great now 9 out of 10 product for me
Thanks. I am ordering mine this weekend. Appeciate your input.
great camera and quality compact
can interfere with DAB reception on a scale of 1 >10 "9"
picture quality great find iOS works better than android apps
working great now 9 out of 10 product for me

I took delivery of a T790 and had it installed by a professional. One question I am having trouble getting wifi to turn on. I thought. It was automatic however it appears that one should press the small wifi button to connect. In addition when downloading files wifi cut out. So can you provide what procedure you use to connect to wifi and also have to experienced and lag when viewing the files prior to down load. I have the standard 16gb card installed though I am considering going with a 64 go Samsung Vivo plus card which has a faster read write I suspect this would assist viewing files Thanks in advance
Not sure what firmware you have but a fix did come for wi-fi issues
Thanks. I am ordering mine this weekend. Appeciate your input.

How's your t790 going? Im from adelaide so im alao concerned about the daah cam coping up with the summer heat.
How's your t790 going? Im from adelaide so im alao concerned about the daah cam coping up with the summer heat.

It’s ok however I have replaced it with a Dod LS475w dash cam. I decided to return it to there service centre as it stopped recording with out warning. I am more disappointed in the fact that the wifi does not allow you to share cam clips on a Apple iPhone The only way is to remove the card and put it into the Mac or PC . Wifi also is not as stable as I would like It’s a shame as Lucas is a good company When it is replaced I will put it on eBay. I think the settings are confusing which may be part of my problem however it when it stopped recording that really annoyed me/ I tried reformatting every 2 weeks however did nit resolve the issue so I tried a second card.

Regard heat no issues I love the DOD even though it is not a tube cam it is easy to use and it just works.... Price however jumps into $300 plus mark. The problem with cams is the cheap ones die then you look at the mid range and its hard to pick out which are good. I like NEXTbase (english) however no support in Australia. In summary one buys a dash cam as a sort of insurance to record things that happen to your vehicle or some one else that you witness so its important to be cams that are reliable I now recommend Dodd and I believe will have no issues with heat, The new model LS475w is rated at 65 c which is dam high In saying that one may need to remove it if you park in screaming sun for a day

Hope that helps