TERRIBLE image quality


New Member
Nov 29, 2017
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United States
Hi Everyone,
So I had finally purchased the DR750S-2CH dashcam system, along with the B-112 battery, and a 128Gb memory card. I had spent the last few months saving the cash, as this was a rather pricey investment. From the sample footage I have seen online, as well as reviews that I've read, the image quality, and 60FPS capability were great selling points.

I was previously using KDLINKS X1 dash cam, which also recorded in 1080p, but the camera didn't support cards larger than 16Gb in size, and I was really looking for something with better image quality and 2-channel capability. For reference, I've attached a sample screenshot of the footage my X1 used to take:


If you click on the image, the full-res version will load, and you will see that the X1 had a somewhat decent quality. You could make out the license plate on the white Mazda to the right.

Moving on... Upon completing my install today of the DR750S, configuring it, and driving around the block a few times, I must say that I am GREATLY disappointed in its image quality! I'm really hoping that it's a setting that I've missed.

I am using the latest version of the app for iOS (v2.64), as well as the latest Dashcam firmware (v1.0002). My video settings are set to FHX - 60FPS and Highest video quality. This is the end-result:


Notice the heavy compression artifacts all around, and over-sharpening around the trees. Good luck trying to make out any of the license plates.

Here is another screenshot of the same footage changed to FHD - 30FPS:


In this case, I was moving slowly (3mph), and you can't even read the license plate off the car to my right.

Please someone tell me that I'm missing something, somewhere. I had just spent four hours installing this along with the B-112 battery, but I am ready to send it back for a refund if this turns out to be the best that this latest-and-greatest dashcam can muster.

Sorry for the frustrating post, but this is not the sample footage I saw online, nor the reviews I'ver read. My 4-yr old X1 can put out better footage than this.
Sorry to hear about the difficulty. We have the same experience as you, with our earlier model - the 650. Wish we had taken it back, while we still have the chance.
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Well, I think I've found the reason for the god-awful image quality. Upon inspecting the dash-cam video file form my KDLINKS X1, and Blackvue DR750S, it would seem that my X1 recorded at up to 85Mbps, while the Blackvue does so at a puny 13Mbps. See below:

KDLINKS X1 video data:


Blackvue DR750S video data:


I've contacted Blackvue support. I don't expect them to come back with any good news.

Sorry guys, didn't mean to come here and just complain about a product. I just find this type of false advertising really shady:


I mean, no way does this camera resolve license plates like this under any circumstances. The low bit rate renders the 1080p resolution literally useless.

Thank goodness for Amazon's return policy. I'll update this thread if needed. Thanks for reading!
Have you tried viewing on a few different players to see if there is a difference?
That wouldn't change the density of the recorded files.
Just in regard to the imagery you provided. Your X1 is much better then the average camera and the DR750S-2CH is a lot worse then the average camera, send that junk back while you still can, Heed what Hill told you about being sorry he didn't send his back. These companies know when they are having problems with something and are expecting the consumers to do their work and resolve such problems, which all to often ends in the consumer missing his/her return of merchandise date. Get your refund then research this web site (DCT) and ask questions before you plunge in on another camera. This is my opinion.
Yeah, it's the unfortunate example of when you spend three times as much, hoping to get a better product, and actually end-up with something far, far worse. It's the marketing that gets you in the end. Fancy Sony sensors, whose output gets butchered by low bit rates. My old KDLINKS X1 may not have the fancy features, but when my wife got into a fender bender at a parking lot, I could actually make-out the license plate of the car that drove away (hit and run). I was hoping to improve on that by upgrading to Blackvue. I mean, if you can't resolve a license plate, what good is it? Better yet, why do they advertise 60fps as being better than 30fps (as per the graphic posted up in this thread), when FPS means nothing if you compress the final file so heavily? It's frustrating.
That wouldn't change the density of the recorded files.
No, won't change the bit rate, but some players handle files better than others. What player are you using? The photo you posted is so bad that I almost have to assume that something else is going on here than simply a low bit rate. There are a lot of cameras with bit rates around 12-13 with better results than what you are getting.
The bit rate is for the whole image. If the image is low complexity (i.e. in a parking lot with simple walls, no textures, etc.) then you'll end-up with better overall quality. My image above is fairly high complexity. Lots of bare trees, with branches. That's a lot of detail, so the 13Mbps gets spread out.
I noticed this info in the bottom right of the video. Are you sure FHD is on?

Have you tried using just the front camera, without the rear camera plugged in?
Just in regard to the imagery you provided. Your X1 is much better then the average camera and the DR750S-2CH is a lot worse then the average camera, send that junk back while you still can, Heed what Hill told you about being sorry he didn't send his back. These companies know when they are having problems with something and are expecting the consumers to do their work and resolve such problems, which all to often ends in the consumer missing his/her return of merchandise date. Get your refund then research this web site (DCT) and ask questions before you plunge in on another camera. This is my opinion.
I noticed this info in the bottom right of the video. Are you sure FHD is on?
View attachment 34797

Have you tried using just the front camera, without the rear camera plugged in?

Hi, and thanks for your reply. Yes I triple checked. I also changed it to 720p, rebooted and changed it back to FHD and rebooted/reformatted. I think that may be referring to the rear camera being off. I haven’t plugged it in in the rear yet. Just ran the cable.
I think you are being a bit unfair in your comparison. It's clearly different time of day and conditions are different. i know my 750S normally has better than average footage quality. But if there are trees on the side of the road and sun is coming through them it will cause image to look like yours. It only happens at specific time of day when sun is low enough though.
That is not to say I wasn't disappointed that quality of 750S isn't any better than my 2 years old nuviCam. In my case though I was tired of setting up and hiding nuviCam all the time and for shorter drives i didn't even bother. With dashcam hardwired at least i know I have a reliable witness in case of accident. Could I have it for much, much less? Possibly. Viofo A119 is recommended by a lot of people but when you check their forum they have lots of problems. Once set up I hope my dash cam will be there maintenance free for at least two years
Hi everyone. Just wanted to share a follow-up. It turns out my Quicktime Pro (OSX) player was displaying incorrect bitrate information. My KDLINKS X1 actually records at around 12.5Mbps, not 85Mbps as previously stated. My apologies for the wrong information.

Regardless, when one compares the footage of the DR750S, one can't but help how absolutely horrible the footage looks, even at its highest setting.

My e-mail to PITTASOFT (manufacturer of DR750S) has gone unanswered for a few days now. I didn't expect much support to be honest.
Hi everyone. Just wanted to share a follow-up. It turns out my Quicktime Pro (OSX) player was displaying incorrect bitrate information. My KDLINKS X1 actually records at around 12.5Mbps, not 85Mbps as previously stated. My apologies for the wrong information.

Regardless, when one compares the footage of the DR750S, one can't but help how absolutely horrible the footage looks, even at its highest setting.

My e-mail to PITTASOFT (manufacturer of DR750S) has gone unanswered for a few days now. I didn't expect much support to be honest.
Please keep us updated if you hear back from them.
If my experience with them is any indication you will wait 4 days to get standard non helpful email. And 4 days later another one asking if you are satisfied with their "help." Their product is great but their customer service can go F themselves. They will not make it in the US if they don't learn how to deal with warranty/ customers.
I have to imagine something else is going on or you have a defective product that would be corrected with a replacement.

I've been running the 750-2CH for about a month now , and while i do agree it is not as crystal clear on plates (and thats smaller letters on US plates) as I expected..... My videos/images are nowhere close to as poor as the example you have provided (from front or rear cam).

Generally, video is VERY sharp, but as mentioned above, does struggle to get the fine details.
I do not understand this post itself.
Where is the screenshot of the same situation and same road with both cameras?
The first thing I would say is that the brightness is set a bit high and the camera is set too high It should have 30% sky and the rest road and bonnet. I can read plates with mine and I havent seen any cameras that can clearly read plates when moving. If i want to check a plate I usually put the card in a computer and slow mo it to see clearly. Also when putting a post up rubbishing something it pays to check ALL possibitilies before posting.

My 750 is much better than my old 500 and the video is far better than yours so its either a crook camera or its not set up correctly.

You can read this plate reasonably easily and the speed I was doing when it was taken which for you is about 57mph. Our plates are quite a bit smaller than US ones as well Time 1021am temp was about 86F and heading south at the time in QLD AUS

My camera set as it is does not suffer from light changes as much as the older cameras did and remains at the same brightness better.


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