The "I couldn't give a teapot" driver


Nov 2, 2015
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United Kingdom
Left me with a minor (but bloody irritating) bumper scuff. I know he lives in my street, somewhere, but is hardly around.

Because of the fish eye lens the car looks further away than it is. In fact, it's just a foot away from my car, when parked. (Admittedly, the car 'lurches' will have been similarly exaggerated). Not sure that the sound copies that well, but the actual damage was at 0.36 (you can just hear the contact).

The street is very dimly lit, and the BV rear is only 720, hence the PQ.

I'll probably remove the vid in a few days.
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How you wish you have the IR Rear, right? What did the G-Sensors said? Can you post the snapshot of the G-Sensor Graph before and after 0.36?
If he made contact and damaged your car. Approach him and tell him you have footage of it. If he tells you to F**k off. Just report him to the police. He has left the scene of an accident without reporting it.
How you wish you have the IR Rear, right? What did the G-Sensors said? Can you post the snapshot of the G-Sensor Graph before and after 0.36?

Why would I wish I had the IR Rear? The car is fully detailed: the make, model and the reg number.

The G-sensors don't appear to have been turned up enough to have cleanly registered. We are talking about two very minor scuffs, no more than half a centimetre in length (but which have both penetrated the clearcoat on a pristine car), which are a number plate distance apart. The G-force would have been extremely small. Again, if you listen around 0.36 you can clearly hear the contact (you may have to get close if you computer isn't loud).

If he made contact and damaged your car. Approach him and tell him you have footage of it. If he tells you to F**k off. Just report him to the police. He has left the scene of an accident without reporting it.

There is a problem here. First of all, whilst you can hear the contact, I cannot prove that the damage was left by the car - though possibly one could measure the distance between the contact points and see if these equalled the high points of the car's number plate!

I have eventually tracked down the guy and have spoken to him over the phone, and he actually sounded a half-reasonable fellow, and is coming round to view later in the week. His natural concern is that the damage may have been done at another time. The only counter I have to this is that I detail the car every week - I mean, I spend several hours cleaning and prepping the car each week - so all I can say is that there were no marks there at the weekend before the event but that there were marks there when I reviewed the files after he'd parked the car, and which I specifically did because I noticed just how tight it must have been to park. There's very little doubt in mind how the marks got there, but I'm not in a watertight situation.
Good catch on the dashcam, hope you guys can meet at least halfway or something like that

Why would I wish I had the IR Rear? The car is fully detailed: the make, model and the reg number.

Yep IR is primarily meant for interior recording. When you put it on a rear window it tends to reflect off of defroster lines, water, or dust, so I don't really recommend it for exterior recording

So, we and the have met. He was quite astonished that I had front and rear cams on all the time. After some discussion he agreed to give me money for the repair, on condition that I didn't park any where near his house since he "had people coming and coming all the time".....? Make of that what you will.

But, as said, the scuff is very minor and I felt it was best to bring the chat to an amicable conclusion by shaking hands and just moving on. For the amount, not worth risking bad feelings in the same street.