Thinkware U1000 need help


New Member
Jan 17, 2020
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Hi guys,
new to the forum and i need a little help.
purchased the U1000 front and rear camera from Australia and the Radar unit from the USA...still not available in Australia.
after fitting and wiring the unit to the car i am having a lot of problems.
1: when you plug the rear camera into the front unit you get an audio saying... rear camera connected... but when you connect the Radar unit there is no audio telling you it is connected and working.
when i spoke to Thinkware Australia they told me that the Radar unit is not supported in Australia ans will not work. there not even a led on the radar unit to indicate it is on.

Has anyone in Australia got the Radar unit working????

2: I set the setting on the front unit to... energy saving and have turned down the sensitivity to the lowest setting. when you read the manual it states that in energy saving mode, video will be recorded only when
an impact is detected.
my problem is that i am getting a lot of fault alerts recordings... more than 20 sometimes

i can even park the car under the house over night and in the morning i will have one or two alerts. ..driving me crazy...
even worse... after leaving the car for 30 minutes... when i return and open the door the unit records that an impact alert.

sent the complete unit back to Thinkware Australia for testing, after two weeks they ring me and tell me that unit working correctly and the problems i am having is because i am not using the original micro SD card from think ware. This sounds like a lot of crap....

i am using a Sandisk Extreme 128GB micro sd card... in the unit which is great for 4K .... if you have a slow sd card you will possible get bad video recordings.....not have the unit give faults alerts...maybe i am wrong???

I believe the G sensor is causing the problem....Also... am running the latest firm ware

Your thoughts


i am using a Sandisk Extreme 128GB micro sd card... in the unit which is great for 4K .... if you have a slow sd card you will possible get bad video recordings.....not have the unit give faults alerts...maybe i am wrong???
yeah unfortunately there's some truth to that, they try and restrict them in the firmware to using their own cards, other cards can be a bit hit and miss
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I think maybe your expectations are too high? My son here in the UK got a similar Blackvue installed, cost close to £600 and he gets the same false positives. In terms of opening the door to get in, with the simple wiring there is no way for the unit to know, don’t forget the wiring just goes to permanent live, accessory live and ground. In order to do what you want it would need to be wired deep into the car with more electronics.

My sons has just accepted that he’ll have false positives which is better than missing a real event should the settings be set to low.
Thinkware and Blackvue are famous for doing things which makes using someone else's cards hit-or-miss. If you've got either brand and are having problems that's the first thing their customer support wants to know and if it's not their card then it's "sorry we can't help you" :mad: Wouldn't be so bad if their cards weren't so grossly overpriced.

I purchased the U1000 front and rear camera from Australia and the Radar unit from the USA...still not available in Australia.
after fitting and wiring the unit to the car i am having a lot of problems.
1: when you plug the rear camera into the front unit you get an audio saying... rear camera connected... but when you connect the Radar unit there is no audio telling you it is connected and working.
when i spoke to Thinkware Australia they told me that the Radar unit is not supported in Australia and will not work. there not even a led on the radar unit to indicate it is on.

Has anyone in Australia got the Radar unit working????

I understand and empathise very well over what you are talking about, as I also own the U1000 and purchased the radar from abroad.

Unless Thinkware releases a firmware update with a specific focus on the radar, you will never get an audio message when you plug the radar into the unit: To be honest, I didn't expect to encounter an audio recording upon plugging in the radar, as it uses a 3.5mm jack, and not a micro-usb connection, like the rear camera uses.

Having said that, whoever told you that the radar unit is not supported in Australia is talking out of his arse. OF COURSE the radar is supported, and it will definitely work: Whether you bought the U1000 locally or abroad is entirely irrelevant.

2: I set the setting on the front unit to... energy saving and have turned down the sensitivity to the lowest setting. when you read the manual it states that in energy saving mode, video will be recorded only when an impact is detected.
my problem is that i am getting a lot of fault alerts recordings... more than 20 sometimes

i can even park the car under the house over night and in the morning i will have one or two alerts. ..driving me crazy...
even worse... after leaving the car for 30 minutes... when i return and open the door the unit records that an impact alert.

sent the complete unit back to Thinkware Australia for testing, after two weeks they ring me and tell me that unit working correctly and the problems i am having is because i am not using the original micro SD card from think ware. This sounds like a lot of crap....

...I believe the G sensor is causing the problem....Also... am running the latest firm ware

Your thoughts



As for the U1000's sensitivity, it is by now a well-known issue on this forum, and many posts critical of this particular unit's extreme sensitivity and overall unreliability have, in-fact, been authored by me. Have a look at the following posts:
  1. I finally lost patience with my U1000
  2. U1000 Radar-availability: Help please
  3. Thinkware U1000 review
Now, the latest firmware update for the U1000 - that is, 1.00.09 - was released at the beginning of December last year, seemingly in response to the litany of complaints regarding the overly sensitive accelerometer.
The following blurb appears to be Thinkware's official line on the matter:
...The recent Firmware Update for the U1000 Dash Cam (version 1.00.09) has altered the G-Sensors Sensitivity. This has lessened the sensitivity of the G-Sensor, mainly in Parking Mode. The sensitivity has been reduced by half.

Now, in-spite of this update, I can still confirm that the accelerometer is still way too sensitive, to the extent that loud traffic or thunder can set if off - even when set at its lowest sensitivity levels. Clearly then, reducing the G-sensor's sensitivity " half..." is not good enough, and that more work is needed in that regard.

Even if Thinkware were to finally address it's G-sensor issues with this model, I cannot seriously recommend buying or keeping the U1000, as I currently hold it to be fundamentally inferior to the older - yet significantly more reliable - F770.

If you are able to take the unit back to where you purchased it and exchange it for either a Q800, F800 or F770, you'll be doing yourself a big favour.

On that note, I intend to do the exact same thing this week.

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I understand and empathise very well over what you are talking about, as I also own the U1000 and purchased the radar from abroad.

Unless Thinkware releases a firmware update with a specific focus on the radar, you will never get an audio message when you plug the radar into the unit: To be honest, I didn't expect to encounter an audio recording upon plugging in the radar, as it uses a 3.5mm jack, and not a micro-usb connection, like the rear camera uses.

Having said that, whoever told you that the radar unit is not supported in Australia is talking out of his arse. OF COURSE the radar is supported, and it will definitely work: Whether you bought the U1000 locally or abroad is entirely irrelevant.

As for the U1000's sensitivity, it is by now a well-known issue on this forum, and many posts critical of this particular unit's extreme sensitivity and overall unreliability have, in-fact, been authored by me. Have a look at the following posts:
  1. I finally lost patience with my U1000
  2. U1000 Radar-availability: Help please
  3. Thinkware U1000 review
Now, the latest firmware update for the U1000 - that is, 1.00.09 - was released at the beginning of December last year, seemingly in response to the litany of complaints regarding the overly sensitive accelerometer.
The following blurb appears to be Thinkware's official line on the matter:

Now, in-spite of this update, I can still confirm that the accelerometer is still way too sensitive, to the extent that loud traffic or thunder can set if off - even when set at its lowest sensitivity levels. Clearly then, reducing the G-sensor's sensitivity " half..." is not good enough, and that more work is needed in in that regard.

Even if Thinkware were to finally address it's G-sensor issues with this model, I cannot seriously recommend buying or keeping the U1000, as I currently hold it to be fundamentally interior to the older - yet significantly more reliable - F770.

If you are able to take the unit back to where you purchased it and exchange it for either a Q800, F800 or F770, you'll be doing yourself a big favour.

On that note, I intend to do the exact same thing this week.

Thanks guys for all your help
Sorry to hear of the issues you're having with the U1000.

As far as we know, the radar is compatible across all U1000 models worldwide, but @Thinkware Dash Cam may have some different information on this.
Keep in mind the radar will only function as intended in energy savings parking mode.

The U1000 did have very sensitive g sensor detection but the latest firmware did decrease this sensitivity.
We do always say that it's better to have recorded something than potentially miss out on something important.
... The U1000 did have very sensitive g sensor detection but the latest firmware did decrease this sensitivity.
We do always say that it's better to have recorded something than potentially miss out on something important.

I posted the following blurb last October, relative to the purported benefits of a radar unit:

... Actually, my overriding interest is not so much in its power saving benefits – as I have a backup battery installed – but rather out of my desire to minimise the occurrence of false impact events whenever I shut the door or tailgate. I really shouldn’t have to turn the ignition key before I even so much as sit in the driver’s seat.
On that note, Thinkware really does need to work on its accelerometer settings and release a firmware update accordingly. Otherwise, rather like ‘the boy who cried wolf’, people are going to start ignoring it, or switch it off altogether...

My thoughts on this matter have not changed.
Hi guys,

just got my U1000 back from thinkware Australia and they informed me that the unit was working correctly, and the false alerts are caused because i was not using the original micro sd card from thinkware.

so, to test there theory i formatted the original think ware card and fitted it to the unit, set it up again for energy saving mode, all setting set to lowest and locked the car under the house.
when i went down in the morning 7am...and started the car the unit told me i had 3 parking alerts. when i watched the video the view from the front and back are in complete darkness.
i have no pets that might cause an alert... and remember that in energy saving mode...Video will be recorded only when an impact is detected.

i rang thinkware Australia and spoke to their tech. (Richard) what a total...fool, complete moron.... he was trying to tell me that the unit had detected motion and that's why an alert was recorded.
i tried to explain to this fool that on page 23 of the manual it states in plain english......Video will be recorded only when an impact is detected....NOT MOTION

Anyway finally got hold of the manager, explained the above again and he agreed that there is a problem. so i told him i would wait for two months to see if a new firmware update is released and to see if it fixed the problem.....and if not the unit would be replaced under warranty. also, if the new unit is the same a refund will be required.....HE AGREED

what a big headache@#$%^%$#$#$
@David Markham Thanks for the feedback, we will recommend fine tuning the g-sensor while parked to our development team.

Hi guys,

just got my U1000 back from thinkware Australia and they informed me that the unit was working correctly, and the false alerts are caused because i was not using the original micro sd card from thinkware.

so, to test there theory i formatted the original think ware card and fitted it to the unit, set it up again for energy saving mode, all setting set to lowest and locked the car under the house.
when i went down in the morning 7am...and started the car the unit told me i had 3 parking alerts. when i watched the video the view from the front and back are in complete darkness.
i have no pets that might cause an alert... and remember that in energy saving mode...Video will be recorded only when an impact is detected.

i rang thinkware Australia and spoke to their tech. (Richard) what a total...fool, complete moron.... he was trying to tell me that the unit had detected motion and that's why an alert was recorded.
i tried to explain to this fool that on page 23 of the manual it states in plain english......Video will be recorded only when an impact is detected....NOT MOTION

Anyway finally got hold of the manager, explained the above again and he agreed that there is a problem. so i told him i would wait for two months to see if a new firmware update is released and to see if it fixed the problem.....and if not the unit would be replaced under warranty. also, if the new unit is the same a refund will be required.....HE AGREED

what a big headache@#$%^%$#$#$

Sorry to hear about your customer support experience with Thinkware AU. If you have any issues going forward you can definitely contact the North American support team, however our only limitation is that we can not conduct warranty exchanges as you are out of our region of service....and just to confirm the Radar Module is not region locked.