This may be the ultimate car camera installation. It is sadly to expensive for most people.


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2014
Reaction score
United States
This has probably the best integration of stealth cameras possible. The only way it could be better would be if the camera lenses were physically smaller.

I will admit this car is way over the top. It has several features I can not imagine paying for.

It sounds like the owner has some bad interactions and wants to protect himself as well as prove what may happen in the future.

Nice work he put in the car...
Nerds question: does he has a 2nd Battery and/or upgraded light-machine to compensate the higher power consumption?
(if not, i do hope he'll upload the video from a witness, when the officer says "cut the motor and get out of your car" - and 5min after this, battery's drained.. THAT would be cruel fate :-)

Eventough I can fully sympathice with the idea to protect against ...<insertbadwordhere>... authorities having some bad experience with ..<insertevenworsewordhere>... (and not only with Police), I still have a philosophical approach:

What is wrong in a society, where authorities upgrades their arms against citizens, and citizens are upgrading their "arms" against authorities?

In such ocassions, I'm always remembered of the Videos from Dresden and Leipzig in 1989; many 10'000 people shouting in a chorus "Wir sind das Volk" (WE are the people), as a reaction of a government and authorities claiming to be the people, and the REAL people had to suffer from the "officials" decisions...
with the amount of money put into that system, i would be amazed if he didn't have an upgraded alternator and battery isolation system to have one battery for the engine starter and original accessories, and a second battery for everything else. and maybe solar panels too, to help keep everything charging/running with the engine off.
Wish he could have shared some of the footage the car is able to capture, and why dont he have the southafrican anti carjacking kit.

Though i myself would like to own a marauder witch is gun and bomb proof, i do think the bulletproofing of a regular street car is overkill.
The marauder is better as a cop will need to climb up it just to get to the drivers level, so no need for elektrical door handles there :D

With a lotto win i would have no problem dropping 10 mill Dkkr or whatever it would cost with Danish tax, and i would feel quite safe driving in it :p

...he actually built in a separated powersupply, i'm impressed :) (and a little bit disappointed ;)

forget the marauder; in Germany, there is a custom-shop who buys old US-Army-Equipment, including Trucks (those for the Tank-Transport-Trailers)... Modify one of them... As powerful as the marauder, ok for european streets, and including Modification sure cheaper than the marauder... (and looks more like "Bully" on the street)
HET :D my friend build one of those in RC 1:10 scale, yes they look pretty mean for sure, and 6x6 or 8x8 sound good.

But they are not bulletproof and i intend to visit all the ghettos here where the cops and firedepartment cant go unless they get pelted with rocks and what not, and where ther is shootings allmost every week ( 3 guys sitting in a car got wounded in a drive by yesterday )

I want to stick my head in the lions mouth as a protest of what my country have become, and to piss off some treehuggers :p
Well - if a mitzubishi can be made bullet-proof, I think it's easy to make a "big one" secure, too (especially when you don't pull a 60to-Tank, lots of spare-weight to use up ;)

But I didn't know that Denmark is so out of control that one needs some ...extra security... ;)
It is a free for all here, incompetence spread from the top and filter down thru society.

But offcourse you will be fine in a regular car, you just have to be carefull where you go, and what visual signals you send out when you go to those trublespots.
Offcourse we are still one of the most happy and content countries in the world, but other than brainwashing on a large scale i have no idea as to why it is that way.

I want to drive into all the ghettos, park my maruader, and finger ppl untill they get ther guns and start shooting, and then i wanna sit in my "car" and take pictures of them as they unload ther peashooters at me.

Should make for some spectacular dashcam footage :p
This has probably the best integration of stealth cameras possible. The only way it could be better would be if the camera lenses were physically smaller.

I will admit this car is way over the top. It has several features I can not imagine paying for.

It sounds like the owner has some bad interactions and wants to protect himself as well as prove what may happen in the future.

Great post man. Get this guy on the site for articles and commentary!

For discreet-ness, I think a camera the size of what is used in phones (very very small) would be ideal to mount. So that they are almost undetectable. Then, run wires to the DVR in a very strong box. But also, set up some form of auto-upload from DVR to cloud-based storage. perhaps with a quick/instant AUDIO ONLY Stream; then a frame every second; then full on video; just in case the DVR/uplink gets interdicted, hopefully SOME evidence is saved off.
makes my car jelly. I really want a seperate dvr from my cameras.

i was tempted to upload footage of my recent run in with the police (nothing too bad, just 10 mph over the limit after bar close when i was getting off work). the cop seemed to try to lean out of the frame from my side mounted camera. i am sure he noticed the cameras in all 4 directions in my car haha.
For me personally when i get pulled over i allways get out of my car as soon as i have stopped, this i proberly have to be carefull with should i ever get to go on my Grand American tour :D

The American cop will proberly not like me jumping out of the car and face him, but here thats no problem ( yet ) and i do prefer to be on the same level of ppl i talk to.

I am able to sit down and talk to some one that is standing up, but if it is not my friend or family i will stand up, if ppl lean over me or heaven forbid touch me for no reason i go into defence / combat mode. ( allways been this way with me )
when i was pulled over a few weeks ago the cop thanked me for putting my hands on the wheel while he was walking up beside my car. they really dont like unexpected stuff. there was a police officer last summer in my metro area shot and killed while walking up to a car during a traffic stop.
The American cop will proberly not like me jumping out of the car and face him,...

There are 3 primary reasons that LEOs (Law Enforcement Officials) don't want people exiting the vehicle when they make a stop.

1. Driver/passenger can't run as easily
2. Driver/passenger can't assault LEO as easily
3. Many times when driver/passenger leave vehicle it's because they have illegal 'stuff' in the vehicle and they don't want the LEO to look inside
For me personally when i get pulled over i allways get out of my car as soon as i have stopped, this i proberly have to be carefull with should i ever get to go on my Grand American tour :D

The American cop will proberly not like me jumping out of the car and face him, but here thats no problem ( yet ) and i do prefer to be on the same level of ppl i talk to.

if the cop doesn't pull his gun on you for getting out, he'll at the very minimum have the holster unclipped, ready to draw on you if he has to.

my most annoying stop was one where the cop came over to the passenger side of my miata (mx5), and because it was cold and threatening rain, i had the top up. he had to squat down to see into my car because it's such a small car. on top of that, my power window motor was broken on that side so i had to open the door to be able to talk to him. he gave me a warning for doing 57 in a 55 zone. the whole time, i was thinking "thanks, but what about these other morons doing 70 in this same 55? why pull me over?" :confused::rolleyes:
Growing up I always thought it more polite to get out and save the officer coming to me.
Many times I've sat next to them in their car.
Today, though, they train in a we vs them attitude.
There are 3 primary reasons that LEOs (Law Enforcement Officials) don't want people exiting the vehicle when they make a stop.

1. Driver/passenger can't run as easily
2. Driver/passenger can't assault LEO as easily
3. Many times when driver/passenger leave vehicle it's because they have illegal 'stuff' in the vehicle and they don't want the LEO to look inside

4. They can intimidate you if they are towering above you.
5. They have a much harder time breaking your window if you are not in your car.
6. If they can not prove how they have power over you their manhood shrinks a little each time.
7. They enjoy violating our rights.
8. With their dash cam running they can not falsely claim you did something wrong.

I had a cop ask me if I minded getting back in my car. I replied yes I do, what is the problem. I did not get back in. Yes, once I had a cop pull his gun. If that ever happens again I will use citizens arrest on the cop for criminal threatening with the compounding charge of using a firearm in that crime.
Yes, once I had a cop pull his gun. If that ever happens again I will use citizens arrest on the cop for criminal threatening with the compounding charge of using a firearm in that crime.

can't see you coming out on top if this ever happens

here is how my car is currently set up :D

at the very beginning that is the dr650gw-2ch and the dr3500-fhd but the 3500 I just have there for review right now. camera in back is dr550gw-2ch which I spray painted black.