Time Sync With Mobile App?


Aug 16, 2018
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United Kingdom
Is it possible to sync the time from just using the Mobius App? Unfortunately my car sometimes spends a week without running which allows the capacitor to drain and reset the clock on my Maxi. I have it built into the car so taking it out to connect to a laptop to sync the time is a bit of a nightmare. Is there any other way to sync it?

Unfortunately what happens with out-of-sync time is that on loop recording, the "oldest" file will always be the one just recorded. This then gets instantly overwritten as the memory is full, so the camera appears to be functioning fine but it just permanently overwrites the new files and therefore nothing new is recorded.
are you sure the app doesn't sync the clock on the camera? i can't recall the last time i connected it to a laptop for adjusting the time (DST and back) , and its clock does shows the correct time currently
Well, connecting via mobile app didn't seem to fix the issue I described in the OP, so I assumed it does not. However the issue I have/had might be caused by something else as well, so I don't really know.