Timed parking mode.

Canon T-90

New Member
Jul 10, 2018
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United States
Is there a way which would allow a timed parking mode recording say from 9-pm to 7-am every day.It seems the camera is draining the car battery down below 11.8v & shutting the system down too Early. I've just checked my battery & while the health is good the charge is very low. I never have a problem starting the car. The battery was replaced earlier this year.
I am running VIOFOS Hardware Parking Kit.
Actually, there "might" be a way to do this but it requires a bit of DIY. You can buy in-line programmable digital delay cycle timers at very modest prices. There are various versions of them. If you wire one of these into an always on hardwired 5V circuit in your car you could set whatever on/off cycles you want.



There is also a USB photo diode light sensitive timer available.


I'm not clear if you could use standard parking mode with this method as it may depend on how the timer is wired in so you would have to do some testing to see what might work.
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Actually, there "might" be a way to do this but it requires a bit of DIY. You can buy in-line programmable digital delay cycle timers at very modest prices. There are various versions of them. If you wire one of these into an always on hardwired 5V circuit in your car you could set whatever on/off cycles you want.



There is also a USB photo diode light sensitive timer available.


I'm not clear if you could use standard parking mode with this method as it may depend on how the timer is wired in so you would have to do some testing to see what might work.
Thank for your suggestion....seems more trouble than it's worth....at least for me.
I never considered it in the past but maybe I should look into a heavy duty external battery that will allow the camera to run for days when parked between charges.