Transcend drivepro 200 but with GPS?

Too much writing on the front. Specs are no different than other cams for less money.

Cheesy name ...

Are you the vendor trying to peddle it?
Oh man, barely 2 posts in... :(.

Nope, no vendor, and that cheesey name is what I have used for over a decade... Google it to see my Internet alter-ego!

New car, and having used 2 cheapish cameras over the years has meant I now would like to splash out a bit more on a "good" one. That transcend seems popular, but I would like GPS built in. The second post was one that did seem to tick most of the boxes!
Panorama G is the bees knees. Built in GPS. Worth every penny

The dome g90 with the a70 chip is also tops. There is a model with GPS (pre order) and the same model without GPS.
Meets all the requirements, but struggling to find it available in the UK! It is similar priced to the one above, are you able to expand on what makes it "better"?

Thanks for the help mate!
My experience with both units. They have performed flawlessly for me in my environment. I can't speak to how they will work for you.

@Pier28 ships worldwide. @JooVuu ships to a lot of places.

There's comparison videos on this forum and sub forums for different cams, so spend a bit of time exploring this site. Also check the reviews of this cam on that amazon link.

There's fake cams out there so spend quality time researching.
The Nextbase 402G is actually a really good camera and outperforms a lot of other NT96650 and AR0330 cameras - it's at the top end of that area.

It's a UK company and is basically the DOD LS430W with a different logo and is sold in Halfords etc - actually saw my first one on display in there today!

If you're going to go down that route pick one up refurbished from Nextbase on eBay - I got one for £50 which for that price is great value.
Actually I just checked and it looks like they haven't sold any in 6 weeks - it was an eBay store called 99pdvdplayers who were selling loads of these cameras.

I'm half wondering now if because they won the best camera award in Which whether they're selling them via other channels. Halfords dropped the price and I noticed they've pushed it back up since it won the award!

If you could skip GPS I'd definitely recommend the Mobius, otherwise for the price as Dionic90 has said the G90 is a decent camera - the video has a very different feel to the Novatek devices though.

I also run a GT680W which you can get from Amazon with next day delivery and that's been a solid little unit - in fact I have two of these and they're my work horses while I try and find something better :)
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I am wary of importing anything with returns, import duty etc making it all round more hassle then its worth.

The Nextbase 402G // DOD LS430W (or DOD LS460W, new 2014 version of it) look to be well thought of, though the 460w apparently has some heating & software freezing issues from some research. Will leave it for a few weeks as I am having issues with my cigarette socket, then take the plunge on one of them.

Very welcoming of any other suggestions & advice!

Cheers guys
if you spin around the site here mate and look at the other threads and sub forums, you can answer questions for yourself. no one should tell you what to get. the ones you listed are all fairly good. one of my cameras is an 8000L and nearly everyone here says its rubbish, however i have been using it for some weeks now and it works well for MY needs (i use it to look into the entire cabin of the ride).

so I will say this: find a budget you want to stay in. then pick a cam in that budget. since you are so keen on the nextbase thingy, get that and be done.