Trouble disconnecting rear camera...


New Member
Sep 4, 2018
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I had my rear camera mounted but needed to take it off for my tinting, but I couldn't unplug the coaxial cable from the camera, so I've just had to leave it hanging...

I need to leave it off for a few days whilst the tint sets, so ideally I would like to unplug it, but it wont seem to disconnect?

I also need to clean the adhesive off the mount so I can re-mount.

Anyone have any tips?
Yeah, having just swapping out my camera, I can tell you that the rear connector (well, the front too) is VERY tight. And as stated, the center pin is ultra-fragile. Luckily I haven't broken mine yet. :-)

I didn't have trouble removing the double-sided tape from the mount. I did get a bit of residue on the glass, and Goof-Off or similar adhesive cleaner should do the job. Just be careful not to get it all over everything, and use in a well-ventilated environment.

You may find shooting the video through the tint will be less than satisfactory. You may need to bump up the brightness setting on the rear a bit to compensate. But I expect you knew that. :-)