Troubleshoot Vantrue N1


Nov 24, 2015
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United States
Hi, fellow dash cam enthusiasts. I've been running a Vantrue N1 with no problems all year. So far I'm quite satisfied. However, this morning when I turned on my truck, when the cam began going through its startup routine, it began making the little chime over and over, nonstop. Seems to be stuck in this mode. It's hard-wired to the power supply. Any ideas where to even begin? I had to manually turn it off and remove it. Obviously unacceptable. Help!
Eject microsd card and then try to power on to see if its memory card fault?
Well, that stopped the chiming all right. Now what? Reformat the card? Or could it be a bad card?
Format memory card in your PC. Then insert into dashcam and format there as well.
I did a FAT32 format, and that seems to have done the trick! I'll check the actual recordings once I run some errands. Thank you guys for taking the time to respond to my question. Big help. Why does a data card do that? What happened?
You need to keep a close eye on the SD card in most dashcams, it is the weak link in many cases, even that expensive U3 card.

Also a occasional format at least in the camera itself to freshen up the file allocation table on the SD card is not a bad idea, also viewing the files on the PC to see if they correlate your your drivings lately and if files are able to play.

Offcourse you dont have to play every file on the card, i look for time date stamps and then i try launch every last file in my recording sessions, and then some random files too ( just check if they can launch in PC player you use, don't have time to preview whole 3 minute files )

No dashcam is truly a fire and forget camera, even the highest end ones.
Hello @dougk9, while I hope your SD card issue is sorted, I need your advice on Vantrue N1. I am looking for my first dash-cam for my sedan and after lot of search, I somehow liked this most due to its size, features and price in India (~14k rupees).

Would you suggest in its favour against Viofo A119 / mini 0806 / Transcend Drivepro / Rexing and others? Those are much discussed one compared to N1.

I want a first hand info from user just like you.

Please help whatever way possible.
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