Troubleshooting - Camera does not start


New Member
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
United States
I've had this camera for a couple years, used occasionally without issue.

Currently, I cannot get it to record video.

It powers on, sometimes starts, but freezes. The lights will go out, but after checking on it, it will be warm like it's running. No files are written.

When hooking it up to A/V out, it will sometimes flash text: "no file", or show a second of video before showing a frozen video frame. It takes pushing the reset hole to be able to power off.

Without an SD card, it powers up and transmits video just fine. Inserting one will immediately freeze it.

This lead me to think it could be the SD card. I tried several known working SD cards, and same result. The camera will read/write files just fine when attached to the computer as a USB card reader.

I opened the case, and checked the battery, manually charged just in case. Tested with external power as well. No physical or water damage of any kind.

I used latest firmware, and tested a few older ones with same result.

I suspect it has something to do with the processor running/crashing when it attempts to record video, but not sure what, or even if it's fixable.

Has anybody else had the same problem? Have you been able to fix it? If so, I'd kindly appreciate sharing any info.

It sounds like you've tried just about everything? A different battery would be the only other thing I'd suggest.
Have you tried in-camera formatting or with mSetup?
It sounds like you've tried just about everything? A different battery would be the only other thing I'd suggest.

Ruled out battery and SD card type and formatting. I suspect it may be something to do with the CPU in it operating unstably. I've read about the heating to reflow solder, but I'm not sure if that would be the problem as it powers on and transmits A/V out, but the moment it starts to record, it does so for a split second, and freezes like it crashes. hmm...