Turning off on ignition off?

Jon W

New Member
Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
United States
I recently got the Mobius (I got the pro kit so that I don't have to worry about adapter/SDcard compatibility.)
Mounting it on my dash with the magnet mount, and plugging it into the cigarette lighter with the adapter works fine.
It starts recording when ignition is turned on.
However, it doesn't stop recording when ignition is turned off.
This means that it overwrites a lot of previously recorded data with a static view of the front of my parking lot for as long as the battery lasts.
I'm using firmware 2.10.

Is there some setting or other way to get it to turn off when the ignition power is removed? (Without replacing the battery with something else like a supercap, or a smaller battery, that is.)
What are all the settings that actually matter to make it behave right?

Separately, I've looked through the manual for the motion sensitivity setting, but I don't quite understand what this does. Where's a good reference for this feature? Is it acceleration-based or image-change based?

And, if motion detection is the solution to my above desire (don't record after ignition off,) will it properly go into standby mode automatically when ignition is powered on again? If so, what are all the settings that matter to make it behave that way?
Thanks for the suggestion. I already have the program. My question has more to do with the overall interaction of settings.
While the top thread does talk about individual settings, I've found nothing that says "here are all the settings that go together to make this happen."
Maybe it's there and I'm missing it, in which case I'd be happy to have that pointed out, but as far as I can tell, a list of ingredients does not a full recipe make...
Well, in msetup program make sure you see at bottom area box "show tool tips"
Now when you move your mouse cursor over individual setting then you will see pop out box telling details of every setting and what it does.
They should be quite self explanatory.
I've found nothing that says "here are all the settings that go together to make this happen."

I believe you haven't seen something like that because the variety of settling and/or combination of settings would be overwhelming to list every possible combination and the end result.
Not many of the setting effect other settings so it's also not really needed. The info provided above will give you the information you need to make the combination of settings you desire.

Based on what you are having troubles with, it's either your "Power-off Disconnect" setting or a hardware issues with your accessory socket as mentioned above. What is your "Power-off Disconnect" set to? "Disabled" by chance?