Two mSetup updates in a couple of hours

Module 79L

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2015
Reaction score
Dash Cam
AT11DA, SG9665XS, G1W-H
I'm here putting my time to good use (can't do any work because of the heat) translating mSetup to Portuguese and when I opened it this morning, version showed up. A moment ago I opened it again and BAM, another update! This time it was version
@Isoprop is working hard! :)
I have no reason to think it is the case with this particular update, but often when developers release two updates close together it's because there was something wrong with the first one.
I think one was related to beta M2 firmware and the other GUI update for mobius mini FW update.

Either way something have gone wrong at least with the M2, there is some settings in the GUI i cant get to stick to the camera, not even if i roll back to the release firmware for the M2

But i am a far too polite man to whine about the work our friend Isoprop make for us.
I haven't updated my M1 since I first set it up. It's working perfectly so I ain't going to fix what ain't broken :cool:

I haven't updated my M1 since I first set it up. It's working perfectly so I ain't going to fix what ain't broken :cool:

We're not talking about firmware updates. :rolleyes:
Nor am I. Msetup works fine, M1 works fine, I ain't touching nothing when I don't need to.

Our friend isoprop already fixed the M2 issue i talked about :cool: that guy is definitely some one you would want to have on your team.
Specifically, the glitch in mSetup is/was with "Auto Start". If you attempted to set the M2 camera to >"Power On - Auto Record" > “Both”, the camera would end up setting to “Button Only”. If set to >"Power On - Auto Record" > “External Only”, the camera would end up set to “Off” after applying "Set Parameters".
I think one was related to beta M2 firmware and the other GUI update for mobius mini FW update.

Either way something have gone wrong at least with the M2, there is some settings in the GUI i cant get to stick to the camera, not even if i roll back to the release firmware for the M2

But i am a far too polite man to whine about the work our friend Isoprop make for us.
Our friend isoprop already fixed the M2 issue i talked about :cool: that guy is definitely some one you would want to have on your team.
You noticed faster than I could type!
If you find something that doesn't work as expected in the GUI please email me and I'll try and fix it as soon as possible. I don't check DCT on a daily basis so email is the most efficient method of contacting me.
I know only to well how annoying it can be when software doesn't work as expected.
In addition to the Power-On parameter, there was also a problem with the Mobius Mini not being recognized under XP.

Today's update was quite major, as can be seen by the version number. In addition to correcting the know issues I also had to modify/compile all 12 foreign language resources. We now also have a Hindi version of mSetup! Many thanks go to @harsh.
I read somewhere that somebody also has a beta FW version (don't know which one). mSetup supports almost all beta versions but I'm so short of time that I just haven't been able to check all the parameters with the latest FW betas. You'll have to be patient and wait until at least next week.
Hindi version is properly a good idea, that's a huge market for any one, and a mobius is a good camera for any low income person needing to capture something.

Im pretty relaxed as to the M2, for me its just a toy at the moment, so taking into account any shortcomings is no problem for me.