U1000 Time zone difference in Live View in Cloud app


New Member
Mar 4, 2021
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We are know that it take some time after GPS is connected to show correct time in names recorded video. However the Live View menu in cloud app shows 30 minute ahead time. Earlier it use to get insync after few minutes of remaining connected to the internet but now it remains +30 minutes even after 1 hour.
Any help here? My time zone and day-light saving are correctly set-up.
u coulreset the gps via the app, that might help
Actually the GPS is giving showing correct time. Nevertheless I did reset (reconnect) GPS and it takes 30 seconds to connect and couple of minutes to show correct time. Whatever is the time is GPS, cloud live view shows 30 minutes in advance.

infact for my time zone, the GPS immediately after connecting shows 30 minutes lag from actual local time so cloud live views shows correct time by adding 30 minutes more. The moment GPS changes to actual time the cloud view changes as well.
It's a known bug that live view is off by 30 minutes and 60 minutes (depending on the area you're in). We're hopeful Thinkware will fix this some time in the future.
Timezones are hard and it seems probable someone at Thinkware tried to roll their own timezone code. This video by Tom Scott explains it super well: