Unable to view the last video file recording before turning off the car


New Member
Dec 17, 2021
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I just like to check with you guys if you have any idea on what could be the problem and if there is any fix for my dashcam A119S.
The issue is that all the videos prior turning off the car cannot be opened and viewed but the rest of the recordings are fine.
I noticed that the files do have weight, just seems corrupted - additional info if this is of any help.
some times you can fix a corrupted file by playing it in the camera, there are also some software's that can fix corrupted media files.
At least newer cameras have this build in auto correct feature if you try and play a corrupted file on the camera screen.
Thanks to all for your insights, I'll check your recommendations.
You should of course still get the capacitors replaced, a person with some geek skill and a soldering station will be able to do that.
Or take it as a excuse to get a new camera if that is financially a viable option, the A119S are still a okay camera though i can not say there are any one newer out there beating it hands down.