

New Member
Oct 6, 2014
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United Kingdom
Back to my 803. Now I can play the folders on Registrator, thanks to Nigel, I keep hearing about firmware updates. My firmware is FW20140507 V1.0. Do I need to update and if so how. Please keep it non techy and short cos at my age I nod off suddenly and fall off my chair.
You only 'need' to reflash if you're unsatisfied with something and you think you found a firmware that will fix it. Look for Tobi@s posts, he has the repository linked in his signature.

The actual steps are pretty simple.
1. Get a firmware
2. Rename the file "firmware" (keep its extension as is...should be .bin) and place at the top level of the card's directory tree ('root level')
2.5 make sure battery is pretty fresh if not plugged in somewhere (I mean recently charged)
3. Put card in camera and turn on. The screen should show something like "update Y/N?" so confirm.
4. Once it's updated power camera off again, remove card, and delete the file or it will ask you again every time.
5. Depending on the firmware chosen you may have to reset options including language so pick with care.
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