Upgrade FW if working perfectly?

bob price

New Member
Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
United States
I also use the forum for RC cameras, and although most FW upgrades go smoothly, many don't and with dire consequences. I believe in "if it ain't broke--don't fix it."

My Mobius [FW version unknown] is working perfectly--better than I expected.

Ergo: why update FW if things are perfect?

Not being facetious here, really want to know
You're correct, why gamble if things are working correctly?

The only reasons I can thing of are:
(1) There's that frustrating bug you want fixed.
(2) The new upgrade adds some exciting new feature you really want to have.
More options are available, bug fixes.
I like the fact that with the latest firmware you can assign 180 flip to each mode, and a few other options that are handy.
Also the latest version of the firmware works with my HTC one, the previous versions did not.
You're correct, why gamble if things are working correctly?

The only reasons I can thing of are:
(1) There's that frustrating bug you want fixed.
(2) The new upgrade adds some exciting new feature you really want to have.
I was just about to post this but Bob beat me to it especially if you do not know what firmware you are currently running.

:EDIT: I also meant to mention I have never updated my Vico TF2. Runs well and looks great at night. Just what i need. My WF1 looks a bit rough at night though so i updated that as soon as i could.
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Thanks, Bob and Check,
That was my feeling and a belief acquired after building probably a hundred computers and servers over three decades.
I never upgrade a BIOS except to address a problem or specific reason.
I agree with cr8tive that a flip 180 would be handy for some users, but it would do nothing for my application.
Thanks, Bob and Check,
That was my feeling and a belief acquired after building probably a hundred computers and servers over three decades.
I never upgrade a BIOS except to address a problem or specific reason.
I agree with cr8tive that a flip 180 would be handy for some users, but it would do nothing for my application.
I don't think you can compare updating the Mobius firmware to updating PC BIOS. It's all but impossible to brick the Mobius.
I have most probably updated the Mobius firmware more than a thousand times and my cameras still work perfectly :).
I have most likely updated PC BIOS a few hundred times and screwed up a good number of times and then had to externally re-program the (e)ePROMs :(.

Fact is that the latest Mobius firmware doesn't only contain the published bug corrections and new features but usually contains color tweaking and corrections of other small annoyances.
I can only recommend ALWAYS updating the firmware. If you follow the instructions by the letter it's dead easy and safe.

Good enough. Thanks, I will upgrade the FW
I upgraded to 53 firmware but on report of the bug decided to put it back to 47. Report showed that firmware upgrade to 47 was successful but it is still reporting that 53 in installed. Repeated attempts to "Downgrade" have been tried but I am still on 53. Having said that I have not encountered any problems so I guess i just wait for the next upgrade.
I upgraded to 53 firmware but on report of the bug decided to put it back to 47. Report showed that firmware upgrade to 47 was successful but it is still reporting that 53 in installed. Repeated attempts to "Downgrade" have been tried but I am still on 53. Having said that I have not encountered any problems so I guess i just wait for the next upgrade.
I don't know what method you are using to update the firmware, but if you are using the Android app or mSetup then there's something wrong with your card! Format the card using the internal formatter or SDFormatter or use another card and try again.
BTW, the latest firmware is v0.57!
I don't know what method you are using to update the firmware, but if you are using the Android app or mSetup then there's something wrong with your card! Format the card using the internal formatter or SDFormatter or use another card and try again.
BTW, the latest firmware is v0.57!

I am using mSeup and have just tried it again and success, back to 47. I notice that 53 is no longer on the list it is showing 45, 47 and now 57.
Is 57 now bug free? Would you recommend updating? BTW thanks for your help.
I am using mSeup and have just tried it again and success, back to 47. I notice that 53 is no longer on the list it is showing 45, 47 and now 57.
Is 57 now bug free? Would you recommend updating? BTW thanks for your help.
Yes, definitely update to v0.57.
No, v0.57 is not bug-free. There are a still a couple of minor bugs that will be corrected in the next version, but v0.57 is definitely the best version so far.
Yes, definitely update to v0.57.
No, v0.57 is not bug-free. There are a still a couple of minor bugs that will be corrected in the next version, but v0.57 is definitely the best version so far.

Thanks, found that when I tried to update the other 2 cams that I have the same thing happened, did not update util I formatted the card, suppose that there was not enough room on the card to complete the operation.Anyway all 3 are now on v0.57