Using an Add a Fuse backwards in an empty slot


New Member
Sep 6, 2017
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United States
Are there any downsides to using an add a fuse backwards in an empty fuse slot? In my car, I have many empty fuse slots where only the supply side has terminals. The other side has no wire terminal since there was no load circuit. For example, in the pic below, all the bottom terminals are 12V supply. The "empty" terminals are the ones with nothing in the top, with only the plastic hole.


The way I understand how fuse taps work is shown below:

Unfortunately, there is not enough room in the fuse box to plug the fuse tap the "correct" way (For example, 5A fuse top, empty bottom). If I plug the fuse tap in backwards, the current will flow through the bottom fuse first, before flowing through the top fuse. In this case, is there any issue with populating both slots with 5A fuses?
A bit late for a response as you likely done it some time ago… If you put in “backwards” the original fuse will have to carry both loads. Most times this causes no problem but will depend on the expected load. Given this is in an empty slot you will have the same amount of current going through each fuse.. so there is no problem.