VF960S (G900) battery swollen up


New Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Hi guys

Has anyone experienced this before?

My VF960S is not looking too good. It was purchased in August last year.

Although it still works fine I noticed it had opened up on one side where the two parts of the case close together. On further inpspection it looks like the battery has swelled up and has forced the unit to open up. The battery is looking like a pillow.

I wonder what Foxoffer will do about it?

Pictures here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zjcgfoex6b95ecx/xX4YLS--yW
Well that's not very good!!!

I wouldn't trust that battery, LiPo batteries that are puffed like that pose a very real fire threat. Take the unit outside and place it somewhere away from flammable materials. If you have a few spare bricks lying around make a little nest for it and also put a brick over the top to contain any fire. Contact Foxoffer and advise them of the precautions you have taken, it is not safe to return the unit in that state. If they are going to send you a replacement I also suggest you carefully open up the unit and remove the battery. DON'T SHORT THE BATTERY OR RUPTURE IT as this will cause it to explode (cut each battery wire separately to avoid shorting it out). Once it has been removed place it in a bucket of water outside and allow it to discharge over several days before disposing of it.