[Video] Test & Review "Multisafer Vu"


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Blackvue DR750S-2CH, DR750X-2CH, A129-DUO, many others...
Hi all,

I couldn't find any information about this product before to buy, so I've made a video for who is interested.

In attachement, you'll find a copy of the english manual, that I also couldn't find anywhere.

The most interesting feature of this Multisafer Vu, is that it shows when you come back to your car if the voltage cutoff value has been reached, and the time sinc power has been cut.
There are also other features that I've never found on any multisafer in the past.

Please don't pay attention to my bad english language, it remind me my first review of the A118 here ;)



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i just ordered this item from ebay.
can you scan the manual again in better quality and the whole pages without missing any part?

Quality is good enough and nothing is missing
Thanks for this review, your english is fine :)

I wish I had found about this device earlier, I've spent a fair bit of time/money making my own switch box, I had also bought a voltage display with temperature probes etc :rolleyes:

I'll take a look at the manual, this could be useful to me still, it's seems quite a good price assuming it's reliable!

EDIT: You are right, the manual is very hard to understand, I may come back with some questions for you!
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Thanks !

Feel free to ask any questions :)
I've just ordered one on the UK ebay, I think it is worth the small cost to see what it is like.

Do you know what the green LED is for? It looks like you can wire it to come on/off (using LED -) although according to the manual it looks like its used to display conditions together with the RED led
The green cable is used to connect an option panel. I have not wired it and I've never seen the green led ON
I took the circuit board out of mine to try and trace the wiring for LED- but it didn't look like it was connected to anywhere. However, looking at this picture it's to allow you to attach a separate security LED. If you look at the GIF it is flashing in time with the blue led.

Thanks for information.
That's interesting but would me more interesting if it was for the red led.
The blue LED is useless IMO.
Decided I wanted to make a extra push to get all my dashcam wiring sorted, so decided to have a look at this again.
I did think of making a guide about these units but I doubt many people own them (doesn't look like they are sold anymore)

The blue LED is as you say useless. If configured, it only comes on when ACC off regardless of the parking mode state.

In the manual it says "Blue led - Security LED, parking mode condition when ACC off" which is misleading I think.

What is even weirder, if you turn it off in the settings it acts as an ACC indicator, coming on solid whenever ACC is on.

I also have not seen the green LED come on yet.

The red LED is odd as well, the manual has this:

LED off: ACC off in driving mode (p-off)
1 time blink: ACC off in parking mode(p-on)
2 time blink: ACC on in parking mode(p-on)
LED on: ACC off in driving mode(p-off)

That last line is wrong, it should say ACC on - my testing shows this:

LED off: ACC off - (p-off)
1 time blink: ACC off - (p-on)
2 time blink: ACC on - (p-on)
LED on: ACC on (p-off)

I don't understand the point of the 2 time blink, if I am driving (ACC on) I am not going to be looking at the multisafer, or do I care about the condition of p-off/p-on - I will check that when I park up!
What is even weirder, if you turn it off in the settings it acts as an ACC indicator, coming on solid whenever ACC is on.

Ignore that, seems like a slight bug or something. It came on once but I can't reproduce so maybe signalling something else.