Viofo 119S doesnt work anymore,


Active Member
Sep 5, 2016
Reaction score
Shady Hills Massive, FL.
United States
Dash Cam
Front A119 , Rear A119S v1
Almost has 2 weeks or more of trouble free usage, then yesterday noticed no red led button alight hence no power, then when turning vehicle On the screen comes on as far as the red Viofo logo then shuts down and repeats this cycle a few times until it then remains off.

Original 1.2 version.

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re-install the firmware.
make a list of your camera usage, step by step (just for yourself), there might be one (step) you use the camera the wrong way.
sometimes you have to spell out your problem to find a solution.
power re-cycle might cause the firmware and SD card corruption.
Just an update since nothing is worst than dropping a question or statement without finding or follow up.

I believe I narrowed the issue down to power source , in particular the stock usb cable. I swapped the front camera with back all was good and powdered up, put a119s in back again all not good, ( just making sure contacts ok ) use the existing probable usb cable in another power outlet still not good, hence me thinking its usb cable.

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Any expert opinions on his points ?
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He said it could be a bad USB cable that's still covered under warranty.
Or it might be pinched, im honest i know ;-)

I haven't removed the cable to check yet, and by the way thank you for the PM about the adhesive pad, ive yet found a time to forward you my Amazon order, ill most probably buy usb power cable from you and you can perhaps also send me the pad.

Edit that was for Capture Your Action. Not OCD, sorry.

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Or it might be pinched, im honest i know ;-)

I haven't removed the cable to check yet, and by the way thank you for the PM about the adhesive pad, ive yet found a time to forward you my Amazon order, ill most probably buy usb power cable from you and you can perhaps also send me the pad.

Sent from my SM-T819Y using Tapatalk

No problem happy to help. Let me know.