Viofo A118C video issues


New Member
Feb 26, 2017
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Hello. I am using a Viofo A118C since May 2016. It has been working like a charm, until about a week ago, or so i believe. I haven't checked the camera or the card in it for some time(a month or so) since, fortunately, i had no traffic incident. Last week i had an interesting conversation with my two years old son and got the card out of the dashcam to save the videos. Then i got the big surprise...the videos were all useless. Sound was ok, but the image was really bad.
I got the card out of the camera, format it and put it back in...same bad video quality. Resetted the camera, same story.
A sample of what the videos look like can be found here:
I put a 12 seconds video, but if you want more, i've got 32G of it, day and night time.

Do you think it is something that can be solved by software/firmware update, or is it faulty hardware that needs replacing?

Thanks in advance!
either the CMOS sensor has failed or it's a problem with the ribbon cable, this is typically a CMOS problem though
Corrupted video data .. ( For what ever reason )
First check the card ( Try a known good card )
If a good card gives the same result ?
Might be time for a new cam ..
So depending on the environment the cam has to live in ? ( If its harsh ) then life expectancy can be higher or lower ..
either the CMOS sensor has failed or it's a problem with the ribbon cable, this is typically a CMOS problem though
Hello. Thanks for the quick answer.
If it turns out that the CMOS sensor is faulty, is it a piece that can be replaced or the only solution is a new camera?
@old4570, a life expectancy of ~9 months is not a good one, regardless of the environment. I haven't had the chance to use another card, will try to this evening and come back with update.
Most sellers have a 1 year warranty so contact the company who sold it to you if that fails contact the manufacturer directly -- about their warranty policy.
Hello there. Haven't come back with update since i had none, until tonight.
As it turns out, it was the CMOS sensor that was faulty. Tried to find it as spare, couldn't at first. Gave up on the cam for a while, purchased a Mini 0806.
About a month ago, i managed to find a local Viofo dealer willing to purchase the lens and the CMOS sensor board (as they only come as a package) from China and deliver it to me. It cost me about 17 $ and a 1/2 hour to replace the faulty lens myself.
Hooked it up to the laptop through the usb port just to see that the image is ok is. More filming during the day tomorrow.