Viofo A119 lens wobble - normal or not?


Active Member
Feb 23, 2016
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United Kingdom
Just re-fitted my wife's A119 into her new car after 5yrs in her old car.

I noticed that the lens wobbled from side to side, as here:

I don't think that's normal or desirable. I had one of these apart 5yrs ago, can't remember why, so I could open it up to see what's going on OR perhaps one of you kind people could suggest what I should be looking for inside and how to rectify?

Many thanks all.
Obviously it shouldn't do that. Looks like the spring and mechanism that holds the lens in place has failed or worn out.

A quick and simple fix-it that would avoid dismantling the camera would be to stabilize the lens module from the outside. I would recommend using a small wad of Fun Tak or Blu Tak pressed in on both sides of the lens which will secure it easily in any positions you desire. You can cover the putty with some black electrical tape if the blue putty attracts attention or spoils the stealthiness of the camera. The nice thing about using this method is that it is easily reversed if for some reason you want to change the aiming of the lens.

P.S. Another option might be to replace this exolete old camera. :)
Well you can always fix it in place, permanent or not, but it do look as if it is made to be able to adjust L and R, only the clicks are not there to hold it in place.
Why 4 identical threads ?

...and a similar post in A119 section! ANSWER: I didn't know each one had been posted! I've been trying to post a thread also in "Site suggestions" with the same error messages EVERY time - I see that also has four posts from me.


I've tried several times to post, and each time got...

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 14.21.57.png

...and then...

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 14.17.25.png


NB. Just posted successfully on another similar thread and then immediately tried to post this. Again, it didn't work.

Please see my "error message" post in the other thread, delete and move posts, and also do the same in "Site suggestions."

Please remedy the issue causing the multiple posts when the error massage tells me there's a "server issue" - thanks.
Please reply on THIS thread, not the others. Many thanks.
Obviously it shouldn't do that. Looks like the spring and mechanism that holds the lens in place has failed or worn out.

A quick and simple fix-it that would avoid dismantling the camera would be to stabilize the lens module from the outside. I would recommend using a small wad of Fun Tak or Blu Tak pressed in on both sides of the lens which will secure it easily in any positions you desire. You can cover the putty with some black electrical tape if the blue putty attracts attention or spoils the stealthiness of the camera. The nice thing about using this method is that it is easily reversed if for some reason you want to change the aiming of the lens.

P.S. Another option might be to replace this exolete old camera. :)
Did you mean... "excellent old camera"?

If it ain't broke...

...hang on... it IS!

Perhaps Viofo would like to have this one back so as to see where the wear is after 5yrs constant use in order to improve future designs and eradicate any weaknesses? I'm sure I could make do with a later version if they'd care to swap it out for one? Maybe a 2ch version so as to give my informed opinion, review, and comparison as an experienced Viofo user of ten years (2 x 5yr usage). @viofo @VIOFO-Support

I'd best check the other identical A119 in my car too... off to do that now...

Back again...

Aha... the other A119 must have had this same issue years ago. So long ago I forgot how I'd fixed it, until just now... Exactly as @Dashmellow had suggested...


...two balls of Blutak.

NB. The four dots of glue are where I'd stuck a square of polarising film in front of the lens. I guess the sun's heat over the years has softened the glue and the film has disappeared.

OK, so now I know what to do. Unless of course Viofo would like to take me up on my kind offer to swap both A119 cams out? Hello...?
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Did you mean... "excellent old camera"?
No. The word I used was exolete, which means - Obsolete; out of use, insipid.

The original A119 is basically an antique at this point with abysmal performance when compared to even the now more than 4 year old A119 V3. (which is available at bargain Black Friday prices at the moment. - $80.00 USD)
No. The word I used was exolete, which means - Obsolete; out of use, insipid.

The original A119 is basically an antique at this point with abysmal performance when compared to even the now more than 4 year old A119 V3. (which is available at bargain Black Friday prices at the moment. - $80.00 USD)
...but at the time, 2018, the A119 was cutting edge and its performance celebrated here and elsewhere.

I can understand those deeply into dash cams wanting the latest tech but to me, whilst they can be kept in service, they are quite satisfactory.

However, whilst thinking this way, I could be persuaded by a front/rear camera. Without giving me too many options, what's the best balance of price, performance and value for a 2ch setup which is slightly better than the A119? Not 'top spec' just a reasonable step up?

You may have noticed I'm after an internal 'action cam' too (Mobius 1S C2 suggested) but I don't know if the rear facing of a 2ch setup could temporarily be directed downwards to film the driver, gear lever, steering wheel - don't worry too much about encompassing this. If I buy a Mobius I might be able to use it as a rear facing cam in lieu of a 2ch setup in one car whilst I trial whatever 2ch I may buy for the other car.
but I don't know if the rear facing of a 2ch setup could temporarily be directed downwards to film the driver, gear lever, steering wheel - don't worry too much about encompassing this.
The Viofo A229 and A139 rear cameras can rotate 360°, so can easily be pointed towards the driver in seconds. Would probably need repositioning to get what you want, unless you can position it where rotating it will cover either the driver or the rear, yes, it is an option. You might go through a few sticky pads if you want to move it regularly though.

An A229 Plus would give a nice upgrade at night and give 2 channels, or 3 channels so that you can have a dedicated driver cam.
Alternatively, you could move your current camera to the back and get an A119 Mini 2 for the front in the current sales, but that wouldn't give an easy to mount driver cam.

No. The word I used was exolete, which means - Obsolete; out of use, insipid.
Google offered to translate that into English for me, and then failed :ROFLMAO:

Found it in a dictionary with the statement:

The latest usage of this word we were able to find is from 1689, more than 300 years ago. The word exolete is exolete.

Guess they will have to update their records now that you have used it again :unsure:

1. Obsolete.
2. Stale.
3. Faded.
is not a good description of that dashcam, it is still working like new...
Google offered to translate that into English for me, and then failed :ROFLMAO:

Found it in a dictionary with the statement:

The latest usage of this word we were able to find is from 1689, more than 300 years ago. The word exolete is exolete.

Guess they will have to update their records now that you have used it again :unsure:

1. Obsolete.
2. Stale.
3. Faded.
is not a good description of that dashcam, it is still working like new...

Amusing that you believe that a little used word that is listed in any dictionary you look it up in doesn't currently exist somehow and went totally out of use in the 16th century. An un-used version of the word, "exoltet" does date from the 17th century however. But just because you have a limited vocabulary or vehemently adhere to British English usage is no reason to attack other DCT members or try to insult them. Anything outside your personal and provincial range of experience is always abhorrent and anathema to you.

Don't believe everything you see on the internet or that Google is the ultimate authority, Nigel. The word "exolete" happens to be closely related to the word obsolete, both of which stem from Latin as with many other words in the Englisg language.

And one does have to wonder why a word you claim went out of use 300 years ago has a YouTube video teaching people learning English how to pronounce it properly!

Just a few days ago it was exactly this kind of behavior you are engaging in here with me that caused @Augie, an affablle, skilled and knowledable new member with something worthwhile to offer our DCT community to delete his interesting A229 tear-down thread when you gratuitously criticized and insulted him for no good reason and which then compelled him to close his DCT membership. Congratulations, you chased away a friendly and new DCT member and I can tell you it wouldn't be the first time.
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And one does have to wonder why a word you claim went out of use 300 years ago has a YouTube video teaching people learning English how to pronounce it properly!
10 views in 6 years and 0 comments must almost be a record :ROFLMAO:
10 views in 6 years and 0 comments must almost be a record :ROFLMAO:

It is merely a YouTube channel that teaches non-English speakers how to pronounce words from the dictionary, Nigel, including more obscure ones like "exolete".

It is appalling, but as always not surprising to see you continue to engage in such blatant, adolescent trolling all because I used an unusual word you were not familiar with. Most people might be intellectually curious to encounter a new word they hadn't previously been familiar with rather than what you habitually do which is to engage in abusive badgering, taunting and small minded insults. Instead of contributing something worthwhile to the thread you feel the need to disrupt it.

And the next time you quote someone like Anu Garg, a famous author of books on the joy of words and founder of A.Word.A.Day, read by many around the world in an an estimated 195 countries (including me), maybe you might consider quoting his full remarks rather than partially quoting him out of context for the purpose of trolling and manipulating.

Of the word exolete he says, "Save the word! Put it to use in your letters, blogs, memos, contracts, and novels.", but of course you chose to leave that part out.
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I feel I must apologise too. I suggested "excellent" in place of exolete to demonstrate I do not regard my A119 and A119V2 as obsolete but, apart from the lens wobble, to continue to be useful once the lens issue is sorted with Blutak or such.
It was also a play on words of course, for amusement. All of this may have set Nigel off.
Perhaps Viofo would like to have this one back so as to see where the wear is after 5yrs constant use in order to improve future designs and eradicate any weaknesses? I'm sure I could make do with a later version if they'd care to swap it out for one?

OK, so now I know what to do. Unless of course Viofo would like to take me up on my kind offer to swap both A119 cams out? Hello...?
I wrote this tongue in cheek BUT... Viofo Support messaged me and although these cams are really old they have offered to replace both (with V2 models) at a very reasonable rate whilst allowing me to keep the originals. An offer I couldn't refuse. Yes I know they're old and defunct if you're at the cutting edge of dash cams, but that kind of customer service is extraordinary these days.

NB. Viofo did not ask me to write something good in exchange for the replacements. I did have to pay, but a very reasonable "maintenance fee."
When I had my V2 I found the hobbyist firmware to be far better than stock Viofo

You'll probably still find it here but I may still have a copy archived,as I do with all new firmware

....... and doesn't this show again that Viofo support is on the ball
Thanks @Kremmen - once they arrive I'll try and remember how to do a firmware update. Is it something to download onto a microSD and then insert that into the cam or via a cable? I'll no doubt find out somehow.

And if you do have a copy, please let me know? Many thanks.

By the way, the two current cams are V1 & V2. I'll probably try one of the old ones (Blutak in place) for my in-cabin filming 'project' and swap my V1 into the rear screen of my car.
This was the thread we all followed with our V2 :

BCHobbyist produced some excellent results

I don't have PC access till the weekend but I'm 99% sure I'll have it in one of my backups