vs1 parking chat /options ?


Jul 7, 2018
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United Kingdom
got my vs1 installed , parking mode set to high on both impact and motion , purposedly walked close to the car this morning and nothing detected

how are you finding parking settings /what did you choose?

i was hoping to maybe catch any vandals that come real close , am i right that motion = people./things coming into the viewing area , not the same as impact ?
so its always recording at a lower quality? so if i say park for 48 and come back to find a dent , i have to search through the whole 48 to see when it occured?
so its always recording at a lower quality? so if i say park for 48 and come back to find a dent , i have to search through the whole 48 to see when it occured?
Personally, for me, it’s better to look through 48 and find the video file you need than to look through 3-5 and find nothing.
The choice is always yours.
so its always recording at a lower quality?
No, just lower bitrate.
When there is no movement of your vehicle, there is no need for a high bitrate, all the detail can be stored in a low bitrate.
Technically, it is possible to argue that the quality is reduced, but practically there is still plenty of quality, in fact more quality than when using maximum bitrate while driving at 100km/h under trees.

so if i say park for 48 and come back to find a dent , i have to search through the whole 48 to see when it occured?
Much better to have video to search through than to have no video because some event detection method failed to detect the event, or started recording too late to collect the necessary evidence. You can still use an event detection method on your video files after the event, knowing that that the event has been recorded, if it works then fine, if it doesn't then you can still search manually, or try a different event detection method.

For supermarket car parks, low bitrate is by far the best parking mode, you know that it will record whatever happens, including the audio of whatever happens out of sight. If you are recording 48 hours per day then it might not be the best for you, but it depends on the circumstances and risks, you get to make the choice.

If someone drives past your parked car, then slowly reverses into the space next to you, and hits you, even a buffered parking mode that detected the impact may not have recorded the full minute of video required to record their plate as they first approached. The low bitrate will, and it will probably lock the file on impact so that it is easy to find. There is no point in having video of a car driving away, detected by motion detection, if the recording doesn't include the sound of them scratching the side of your car with their shopping trolly as they loaded up their vehicle 5 minutes earlier without triggering the motion detection because they approached from the side, in fact even if it did trigger the motion detection, if there is a break in the recording between events, then there is no proof that it was those people that damaged your car and not someone else who sneaked in between recordings.
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Personally, for me, it’s better to look through 48 and find the video file you need than to look through 3-5 and find nothing.
The choice is always yours.
yes very true , im new to parking camera so like to hear other peoples choices and views