Was also sent an S1 Pro for review


New Member
Aug 30, 2023
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United States
So even though I am new here, Jeff reached out about sending my the S1 Pro for review. Sure why not. I'm not yet an addict like many on here, maybe one day I will be. I have used dashcams for many years so I'm not a total noob.

I won't post up pics of the box and contents as that has been done, no need to repeat. Agree it was packaged very well, and the hardware seems well made. Rear cam feels a tad on the cheap side, maybe because it is very light, where the front cam is on the heavy side. Not a complaint, as long as it works is what matters. I like that the rear cam rotates 360 degrees. Very easy to get the right angle.

So anyway, installed just the front a few days ago, and the rear cam last night. I hate having wires dangling as well as using a cigarette lighter adapter, just takes up too much space on my smallish console. I'd like to hard wire this at some point, but for now I am powering it off a Dongar harness that taps into my rearview mirror. I've run other cams that don't use a parking mode this way, so far no issues. Makes for a nice clean install. I'm still testing the camera out so this is just a first post. Iniitial setup on the camera, and then the app is pretty straight forward. I am not a manual reader, I like to jump in right away and only refer to a manual in my leisure, or if I can't figure something out. Everything seems pretty self explanatory. So should be an easy setup for all but the technically inept. Location right now is not the most ideal, as my rear view mirror has a lot of tech in it, sensors, etc, so have to make sure not to block anything. I also have another camera mounted just below the mirror that is a massive work in progress (see my post in the intro section) and will more than likely be ripped out if it doesn't improve soon. Yes this is mounted on a strip of tint, as is the back camera, it mostly hides the camera, as well as a lot of alarm hardware. Higher up would be more ideal but then I'd have the frame partially blocked by tint. Oh well. I have easily moved it twice with no affect to the tint.

So only thing I've run into so far, the screen off setting doesn't seem to be working. I've tried all settings, but screen stays on unless I manually turn it off. I have updated the app and firmware to the latest settings. Not a huge deal as the voice action to turn it on/off works really well.

Not sure if intentional or not, but I like that the LED color inside the button is green. Most cameras to this point I have used have some sort of red light somewhere on the front. Bad thing being red, my auto high beam function turns off the high beams when the cars camera sees headlights coming at you, overall bright ambient light, or red tail lights in front of you. If that camera pics up the red from a dashcam, the auto high beam function does not work. Also nice you can totally turn off the light if you just want total blackout while driving.

Whew thank God this forum saves drafts, I almost just lost the whole post!!!!

So this is just my first post on the camera. I don't drive a lot during the week as I work from home or have a massively long train commute, so I'll post up more, as well as vids as I get more drive time. Initial thought, really like the cameras.


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The thing look to fit very well in your ride, with the mount " footprint " on the shade area, eve if that probably do not make it dispensary completely.

I actually find the stick on mounts more noticeable on glass than the actual size and shape of the camera, well at least on some cameras.
If the camera were a bit thinner I could have slid it behind the mirror more. I could now but they would not be able to adjust the mirror properly if you look closely you can barely see the Dride below the mirror.
So only thing I've run into so far, the screen off setting doesn't seem to be working. I've tried all settings, but screen stays on unless I manually turn it off. I have updated the app and firmware to the latest settings.
I ran into the same thing. Haven't played with it much to chase it down though.
Nice looking design.
Wow that picture is super blurry, need to take a better one!
So only thing I've run into so far, the screen off setting doesn't seem to be working. I've tried all settings, but screen stays on unless I manually turn it off.

I ran into the same thing. Haven't played with it much to chase it down though.
I've been playing with this a bit and it appears it works when first set but when the camera is power cycled the setting is forgotten and the camera functions as though it's set to off - although if you check the option it will be what it was set to (30 sec, 1 min, 5 min). My sense is the firmware will honor the setting initially but does not check it when powered on.

Need to play with it a bit more...
Wow that picture is super blurry, need to take a better one!
Only the dashcam is super blurry, the rest, even outside looks OKish, how did you manage that :ROFLMAO:
Ha phone was clearly focusing on something else. Without my glasses it all looks the same!