

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2015
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United States
Anyone got theirs? Saw a couple of sample footage on youtube - looks OK (maybe a little soft) Would really like to see raw video.

Daytime video:

Last edited:
The image looks good. But after time for test and try new product, right now i only buy&sell & advice ppl with a reliable dashcam are release and test at least 2 - 3 months. :)
The Waylens Horizon has been officially released - anyone got it? If yes, could you post some raw videos?
No sadly its been real quiet in here regarding the waylens.

The footage from "WG" appear a bit shaky as if mount is not ideal.

I also expecter better low light performance i have to admit.
This camera has a really cool design and very cool OLED interface. Reviews so far are mixed and mostly boil down to "will get better in the next batch" - some delay in performance metrics and image quality is not up to potential apparently. Also, I don't think it has any of the standard dash cam features (being that its marketed as GoPro for cars) such as emergency accident recording, parking mode etc.
Hello! I've just joined this forum and this is my first post. I have a Waylens and was trying to find more info / discussion on it and it is hard to come by, so I thought I might be able to help get that ball rolling.

My wife pre-ordered the Waylens for my birthday and I got it around mid-December.

Overall I love it, but it is definitely overkill (in both features and cost) for someone that just wants it for insurance protection reasons. I like to do performance drives and also capture idiots on the road, so it was very intriguing for me and quite the step up from my previous Mini 0806, which had some sort of power problem in either the camera or the mount that any bumps would disconnect the power, and since the battery never would stay charged either, it was constantly turning off and back on. It also had a horrible background audio hiss.

The biggest pros for me personally are:
  • Highlight Button - No more sifting through hours of video to find the things I want to keep (with where I had the Mini mounted and the tiny buttons, pushing it was just too much trouble). This is great for capturing idiots doing dumb things on the road and makes getting the footage you want super quick and easy.
  • Video Quality - Good overall and I especially like that it is 60 fps.
  • Gauge Overlays - The OBD integration and overlays are really cool.
  • Form Factor / Build Quality - It is just a really cool looking and solid camera.
  • Screen / Interface - The screen is nice and easy to interact with, and the idea of live gauges is appealing.
  • Audio - The audio recording on it is very good, especially after my experience with the Mini. I have had to turn down the bass in my videos to hear myself talking over my engine / exhaust.
  • The Mobile App - It could use a little work, and I'm sure will be continually updated, but overall it is a great thing to have. I took a long drive for Christmas and did not bring my laptop with me or any extra microSD cards. I was able to use the app on my phone to create some longer highlights of bits that I did not want overwritten, but were too long for, or where I forgot to push, the highlight button, so that I had them available when I got back home.
(apparently my post was too long and I have to break it up)
However, I do have quite a few issues with it. Some of these I hope will be resolved with app and firmware updates, but some would require new hardware.

The Car Mount
It's really not great. It has a "locking ring", but it doesn't lock, just tightens. And while it is super easy to remove the camera with the push of a button, it's is very, very difficult to properly reattach it and make sure both sides of the connector are locked in. If they are not both locked in, you will have power connection issues. These combined means that every time I reattach the camera to the car mount, the car mount moves, and I have to readjust the angle to get it right for the video. This is exceedingly annoying.

It is also not very subtle - the giant suction cup, which to its credit holds on well, is glaringly obvious from the outside of the car. And, as kamkar1 mentioned, it's not the most stable, but isn't all that bad. I definitely would like a better, more discreet mount, and a better attachment mechanism (perhaps something with magnets?), but that would require a whole new iteration of the hardware.

Highlight Button
Maybe this is a battery saving feature for the remote itself, but if I do not push the button when I've started the car, it never connects to the camera. It is also a bit in the way on the steering wheel. Not really an issue for normal driving, but for any serious performance driving I will probably be removing it. I may also look for somewhere else to mount it besides the wheel.

I also wish it had more options besides just marking up to 1 minute of footage. Given that this camera is geared towards driving enthusiasts, it would be great if I could hold or double press the button to start a long highlight and then again to end it, for instance if I am coming up on a particularly curvy and empty stretch of road.

Sounds In Video
The shutter sound the camera makes when you press the highlight button is not just heard on the video - that would be expected - it is EMBEDDED in the video while all other audio is muted. The same happens for the sound it makes when it starts recording, when the OBD connects, and when the remote connects. I have not tried turning all sounds off to see if it still does this (my guess is that it doesn't) because I like having the sounds in
the car to know that something has happened. Hopefully a future software update will allow turning that on or off.

OBD Info Delay
In both the real time display on the camera and in the desktop app / exported video, the refresh rate for the data from the OBD is delayed / slow. I had hoped I could use this as a boost gauge since my car doesn't have one, but the display update has so much lag that it's unusable for this purpose.

Also the gauge overlays on the video have delay and sometimes the speed and GPS will just be frozen for periods of time, where I am clearly accelerating or decelerating, and moving, but the speed and GPS location remain static. I am not sure if the speed comes from the GPS or the OBD. I would guess (and hope) the GPS since they both freeze together, but on the camera screen the speed is not available until the OBD sensor has connected to the camera.

Video Quality
So at first, and normally, the video looked really good. But I did a mountain run on an overcast day with lots of bare trees and leaves on the ground, and the video is awful, totally pixelated. I don't know if maybe something got wonky with my settings or what - when I checked the settings everything was right, set to the highest quality, but that particular video looks terrible, and is also choppy, while most of my short videos, especially in sunlight, look really good. I intend to do the same run again on a prettier day and compare and will also be paying more attention to this going forward. I did have mount connection issues leading up to this and ended up draining the battery. I may also need a better microSD card.

Also this camera chews through space - estimated 7.5 hours on 128 GB. It records all video twice - once in the high resolution that you have it set for, and again in a lower resolution / quality for use as the preview in the desktop app. It also comes with a desktop connector (the camera itself does not have a micro USB port), but it is not USB 3, so using this to transfer the massive amount of data the camera generates is slow. It would probably be better to just remove the micro SD card and use a reader, which I will probably start doing. You would think this would help eliminate my problem with constantly having to reattach the camera to the car mount, but getting to the card while the camera is mounted is difficult and would also cause the mount to move anyway. And, I learned my lesson with that with my Mini when the card shot out and I had to take the seat out of my car to find it!

The Time
It is never right! You can't set the time manually. I suppose it is meant to pull it via GPS, the only thing you can do is click "Synchronize Time Zone" in the mobile app, and it says it is done. But it is ALWAYS off by an hour. Also, if you want the date / time actually burned into your video, it adds a Waylens logo next to it, the time is not right (and sometimes not even the same time that the overlay uses - occasionally I have noticed one or the other be right but not both), and it does not respect the setting you give it for date format, it is always dd/mm/yyyy. Hoping for a firmware update to fix this.

The Desktop App
It is atrocious. You have to use it in order to get the overlays, and in fact I believe you have to use it period since the raw video is a .ts file that while Windows Media Player can play it, neither Movie Maker nor Sony Movie Studio can import it for editing.

The camera also doesn't record in 3 or 5 minute chunks like most do. If you drive for 2 hours, you have a 2 hour .ts video file. So I am really not sure what to do with that other than run it through the Waylens desktop app. Which, did I mention, is atrocious?

Video preview is jerky. Exporting to MP4 takes forever, but at least works for the short highlights. But trying to export a 1 hour highlight that I created of my mountain drive led to all kinds of trouble.

Trying to export it with overlays from my desktop never succeeded. It would always either crash the app, crash the computer, or for some reason just cause the computer to reboot while I was away. Ultimately I was able to export it with no overlays, which took over 6 hours.

Trying to do the same thing from my laptop, which is better equipped, never crashed or failed, but I ended up with choppy white screens every few seconds in the video until I closed every single background app that I could, tried again, and eventually got the video I wanted. On and off because of the waiting it took me 2 full days to get the 2 video files I was looking for, and as I mentioned before, the final video looked really bad.

So while the day to day driving video looks good, this was an especially disappointing turn of events for me given what this camera is designed and marketed for. I can't imagine trying to get video with overlays of a full track day or long road trip.

This one I am at least optimistic will be improved with software updates. They have already released an update that adds a new overlay style that I really like. Unfortunately that one doesn't let you choose which overlays to use and also has a throttle indicator that does nothing. The latest update also adds a Waylens logo / name to the bottom center of your video, and a fade to black with a huge Waylens logo at the end of your exported video. That's really not cool in my opinion. I also wish you could move the overlays around, but they are always in a predetermined spot based on which overlays you are using and and what size.

Now, to address some of the specific questions in this thread:

The Waylens Horizon has been officially released - anyone got it? If yes, could you post some raw videos?

I wish I could do this for you, but I am not sure how. As I mentioned, the files are .ts which my video editing software can't read, and the clips are not broken into 3 minute files. So the only thing I can think to do to even get a video short enough is go for a drive, stop recording, start recording, then stop again after a minute or so. Even then I am not sure where / how to upload the video so that it doesn't get recompressed by YouTube (if YouTube would even take the .ts file). Anybody got any ideas on this one? Dropbox?

Also, I don't think it has any of the standard dash cam features (being that its marketed as GoPro for cars) such as emergency accident recording, parking mode etc.

It does have accident recording based on G force, which creates a highlight of your specified length. You can set this up to 30 seconds before event (or highlight button press) and 30 seconds after, though I wish you could set it to be longer. Parking mode is a bit trickier. It has a setting for how long you want it to continue to record on its internal battery after you turn the car off. From the reviews I have read the battery can last up to 30 minutes. It doesn't have a hardwire option, though I suppose the electronically inclined could rig something up. But in that case I don't think it would have any features to prevent fully draining your car battery.
Thanks for the extensive review and replying to the questions! Sounds like its better to wait for the next iteration for them to work the bugs out. I was really hoping the video/image quality would be "stunning" given the sensor used but based on the limited clips on YouTube and also from what you've said, it sounds like its simply just "good" - not really enough to justify the 2-4x price premium compared to other dashcams.

Thanks again for your impressions!

P.S. I do have to say that the overall conical design of the unit and the OLED interface do seem pretty cool though!
Also, is it me or does the video footage generally look soft and have a sort of fisheye distortion? From what I can tell, it also is very slow to change exposure (e.g. when going from underpass to open road).
Well to me the video was initially stunning compared to what I was getting from the mini, especially the 60 fps for slow motion. But then I had that one awful video and really am not sure why, so I will be doing some more controlled experiments in the future when I have the time.

I had wondered if the less than stellar video quality was due to the desktop app (did I mention it's atrocious?), but for that particular drive even the raw .ts files looked awful.

As for the exposure, I remember thinking the mini did a great job with that, but I have not collected any footage yet with the Waylens that would let me compare.

My photographer wife says the image doesn't look particularly soft, and sharper than the mini. As for the fisheye, I dunno. It seems the edges of my hood are more warped than before, but it is also mounted in an entirely different location. I had the mini low, just above the dash, and have the Waylens high, behind the mirror.
We seen people with time issues too on some cameras. for the most it was due to them not entering the right time zone they was in, after that was done right factoring in daylight savings it was smoothe sailing.

It do sound strange it should pixilate just cuz it was low light.

What SD card do you use in the camera ? it seem like issues like you mention might be due to SD card incompatibility problems, or maybe a dying SD card ( dont be scared if its dying we al seen sd cards die far too fast on us )

You can share raw files from the camera using g-drive or mega.nz or microsofts sky drive or whatever they call it, and i am sure other places where you can put larger files for download/sharing.

Mega is popular in here as they give you 50 Gb for free.
Unfortunately this one does not allow you to even set the time zone. You just sync the time zone with the app on your phone. There was an update to the mobile app yesterday which may or may not include a firmware update for the camera. Maybe it will fix that but I haven't had a chance to check it out.

I'm using a PNY high performance 128 GB card, and it was used for a long time in my last dash cam so maybe it is time for a new one. It says it's up to 60 MB/s. Should I get a faster one? Any recommendations? I did read something saying MLC is best, but they top out at 64 GB and I don't really want to give up the space.

I'll see if I can get a short raw clip captured and uploaded later in the week.
You can try and run h2testw on that SD card and see what it say to it, that should flag any potential errors with the card

I had my ( SDXC class 10 / U3 ) 64 Gb PNY card die on me pretty fast, but after i got a new one from Amazon it have been rock stable.

60 MB/s is plenty for any dashcam, it should even be okay the the most extreme 4K action cameras you can find out there.
Any notable updates to Waylens Horizon, firmware, mount, or otherwise since January (the last post of this thread)? I know the mount was problematic and would vibrate allot while driving. Also the OBD data lag. I'm also wondering about the choice to go with a .ts file. Huh? Seem like this greatly limits what one can do as far as editing and uploading, without file conversion etc etc. I'm also unable to locate any raw file samples.
Well the mount still sucks, and in fact has gotten worse with time and use. However they have finally started their own forum here: https://forum.waylens.com/ and they say they are in development with some new mount options. I've been tempted to rip the suction cup off mine and stick the rest directly to the windshield, but then I would lose the up/down angle adjustment and have to figure out a wedge or something to get it just right. And since a replacement costs $50 I'm also nervous about completely screwing it up. I have some ideas but I'm going to wait a little while to see if the new mounting options come out and what they are. It has fallen off the windshield a few times while driving now that it's gotten hotter outside.

There have been a few software and firmware updates, and the last one did an update to the OBD dongle as well. I have not had a chance since to really look at the footage with gauges and see if it is less laggy. They've added some features such as a lap timer which sounds cool but I haven't had a chance to test it out yet either.

And yeah I don't know wtf with the .ts file. Their desktop app works fine for the little 1 minute highlights you make with the button, but if you want any longer video it really is hard to use and seems buggy exporting long clips, especially with the gauges, but part of that could be my computer because I've had more success with it from my laptop. I do wish I could just load the raw video into my editing software though.

I will say though that video of autocross with all the gauges was really cool. So all in all I do still love the camera, I just really have to figure out the mount and kind of just deal with the software.

Video with lots of trees on the side of the road is still somewhat pixellated, so mountain drives, sunny or not, still don't look great. But I also got a JooVuu-X to put in the back and noticed similar characteristics with it (both with trees and when the rear windshield is dirty) so maybe that is just a thing.

Raw footage is tough because it does not record in chunks but one big file and I can't do anything with the .ts file other than export it through their desktop app which then makes it not raw.
...I've been tempted to rip the suction cup off mine and stick the rest directly to the windshield, but then I would lose the up/down angle adjustment and have to figure out a wedge or something to get it just right....
No need for invention - something like this should work for you out of the box. Just add a bit of dual sided or 3m Dual-Lock tape to attach the camera.

I haven't been following this cam closely, but I'm shocked that they don't supply something better than a suction mount given the intended track usage :eek: I'll leave it up to you Waylens owners to address that in their forums but this can certainly be done better and probably at little cost ;) Given the unique nature of this cam I hope it becomes a wild success :cool:

I haven't been following this cam closely, but I'm shocked that they don't supply something better than a suction mount given the intended track usage :eek: I'll leave it up to you Waylens owners to address that in their forums but this can certainly be done better and probably at little cost ;) Given the unique nature of this cam I hope it becomes a wild success :cool:


the good thing about someone that knows nothing about dashcams designing a new product is they're not constrained by current thinking and can look at things a different way, this is great for innovation

the bad thing about someone that knows nothing about dashcams designing a new product is they can easily get a lot of the basics totally wrong, this can be a death sentence for the product
the good thing about someone that knows nothing about dashcams designing a new product is they're not constrained by current thinking and can look at things a different way, this is great for innovation

the bad thing about someone that knows nothing about dashcams designing a new product is they can easily get a lot of the basics totally wrong, this can be a death sentence for the product
Another good reason to QUICKLY access customer feedback, a release firmware/hardware updates ASAP. Otherwise, any initial buzz and anticipation about a new product will be lost.
I haven't been following this cam closely, but I'm shocked that they don't supply something better than a suction mount given the intended track usage :eek: I'll leave it up to you Waylens owners to address that in their forums but this can certainly be done better and probably at little cost ;) Given the unique nature of this cam I hope it becomes a wild success :cool:

...and not just the mount. Since they decided on a relatively obscure file format (.ts) which severely limits any editing of video clips (which is half the fun..sharing with friends etc) and being stuck with first generation proprietary software which is usually buggy and very limited.