WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) Feature - Are license plates all white with headlights shining?


Nov 24, 2014
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WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) Feature - Are license plates all white with headlights shining?

I saw a couple night time videos on Thinkware F800 and Q800 on youtube and seems like when headlights are shining onto the license plate in front it is still readable. Is this because of the WDR feature working properly? Has anyone that owned Blackvue 650,750 and switched over to Thinkware notice that license plates are no longer all white when shined by bright headlight like in the Blackvue 650,750?

Here's a video demonstrating the feature on a Blackvue 900:
I saw a couple night time videos on Thinkware F800 and Q800 on youtube and seems like when headlights are shining onto the license plate in front it is still readable. Is this because of the WDR feature working properly?
this is about very careful selection of what videos they publish, in ideal circumstances there are times when the plates are easier to read, plenty of times not though, look for end user footage if you want to assess how well it does or doesn't work
Are you sure it is just WDR or maybe Super Night Vision is causing this.(As overall brightness will be increased)
Comparing with other Cams side by side most of the time it actually is a difference from one frame to the other. While once Cam might have a good image and other Cam is worse the next frame could be vice versa.