We're getting timelapse parking mode


New Member
Jan 24, 2018
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I'm actually excited about this one. The update is just in, and it's one of the features Blackvue cams lacked for a long time. Is there anybody here with the update installed? I'd like to hear some feedback before jumping in. ;)
We'd all like feedback before jumping in! It was your idea - go for it and let us all know how you get on before we risk anything
No way! I was the first one to report on 1.007 and got to roll back, I'm holding off on this one. Someone else gets to hold the hot potato this time! :p
Guys, jump in and be the feedback you desire!
Here's the link for everyone.


I actually brought my SD card in today, so I guess I'll upgrade after transferring some vidya's

Change log:

  1. New Time Lapse Parking Mode option.
    1. After switching to Parking Mode, the dashcam starts recording continuously at 1 frame per second.
    2. Every 30 minutes, frames are combined into a 1-minute, 30-frames-per-second video.
    3. Buffered Events: in case of impact detected, the dashcam switches to regular Event recording, including the 5-6 seconds before the impact.
    4. Scheduled Reboot: if set up, Schedule Reboot will happen during Time Lapse.
    5. Framerate: Time Lapse videos play back at 30 frames per second, regardless of framerate setting.
      To select this Parking Mode option, go to Firmware settings > Basic > Recording > Parking mode recording > Time lapse.
  2. Improved Motion & Impact detection Parking Mode, with Region-based Motion detection:
    1. 16 regions (4x4 grid) can be selected (motion detected) or deselected (motion ignored).
    2. Front and rear cameras detection regions are set independently.
    3. Motion sensitivity setting (Off, 1~5) is applied globally.
    4. Due to the distortion induced by the wide view angle of the camera, center region motion sensitivity is higher than for side regions.
      For this reason, if you only select regions on the left and right sides, we recommend using a sensitivity value of 4 or higher.
      To change those settings, go to Firmware settings > Sensitivity > Motion detection (Parking Mode)
  3. Added rear camera native mirror view recording setting (Dual-channel models only).
    Firmware settings > Basic > Recording > Rear camera orientation > Mirror video.
So far so good on update today. No issues
Perfect, that's good enough for me
Timelapse works so-so OK, but after update WiFi connection went crazy - even if BV is connected to WiFi (mobile hotspot or home router) - it never connects to the cloud anymore. Plus WiFi connection restarts/freezes all the time, absolutely not stable anymore.
Wifi has always sucked unless its straight to my phone. I dont even bother trying to connect to my home wifi
I'm glad that I didn't rush in to an update, he said smugly.;)
I had my car parked outside my office, connected to the office wi-fi in time-lapse parking mode.
I was able to check the cloud with no issues over a 4 hour period with no issues.
No problems to report here. WiFi works as advertised.
No issues with 1.010 then? Safe to update?
Our team has zero issues as well.
This new parking mode is quite neat, we're really hoping this helps with the overheating issue.