WF1 Night Enhancement Mode


Active Member
Jan 26, 2014
Reaction score
Dash Cam
VicoVation WF1
Although my WF1 came with firmware 1.41 (i.e., before 'Night Enhance(ment) Mode' was introduced), prior to using the cam I updated it to 1.51, which I understand greatly improved the image quality of the WF1 at night. I can't really compare the two as a result, but I can say that I am very pleased with the image quality of the WF1 at night. I do notice though in the forums that many of you WF1 users have set your Night Enhancement Mode to 'High' instead of the default 'Standard'. In the Wf1 instructions, VicoVation recommends the use of 'Standard' unless you have a tinted windshield - so I wonder if 'High" overexposes the image at night (which could be a problem for capturing license plates, etc.) if, like most people, you don't have a tinted windshield? Has anyone experimented with these settings (I am doing so now, but am still undecided as to which setting I like better), and if so, what were your conclusions/preferences?