What causes the Lipo battery failures?


Active Member
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
Dash Cam
GT200W, GT680W, GT550WS, G1W-C, K6000, SJ4000
So what's the cause of lipo battery failures with some dash cams. Its very rare from what I have seen but still can happen. Most that I have come across are all puffed up, as seen in picture. This one happens to be a DOD LS430W (not a cheap camera)!

Are replacement batteries easy to obtain... where and are they any better quality wise?

I ended up taking a LS430 battery to put into the LS430W, the one in the LS430 was larger and works great so far in the LS430W. last picture shows the 2 side by side.




Sorry for links.. couldn't get the images to load??
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Guess my images are over the limit.. explains why they wouldnt load.
There is many reasons lipos can die, and some cases can be really wierd.
Back in the day when lipos was pretty new within radiocontrolled models my friend got one for a car,the battery was 3 cell and it was pretty expensive too.
So we charged it with a certified lipo charger, and everything was good, then we put it in the car and whent out to drive, again everything as good untill the lipo cut off in the ESC said time to stop and charge the battery.
So we went home and put the lipo in his charger, but the charger would not charge the battery any more. after that we have had the battery plugged into new and more and more advanced chargers, but the battery still cant be charged, and all 3 cells seem to be good and within safe voltages.
So in the end my friend got pissed, and we desided to get 1 last bit of fun out of the battery. so we placed it upright in a thin metal bowl and filled the bowl half way with gasoline, then we whent 30 M or so back and fired on the battery with out PCP airrifles. :D

Everything whent pooof, and then we started to shoot at the burning metal bowl and everything as even more fun .

Anyways Maxamps who deal with lipo batteries have a pretty good lipo care page.
Well, if you leave it in the sun to bake all day then go and charge it over and over while recording (making it even hotter) , it might fail. Just imagine leaving your phone charging 24/7 while recording in the sun. Wouldn't fare too well I bet.
Well, if you leave it in the sun to bake all day then go and charge it over and over while recording (making it even hotter) , it might fail. Just imagine leaving your phone charging 24/7 while recording in the sun. Wouldn't fare too well I bet.

You point will apply to smartphones "dashcam-Apps" ;) - not practical solution for long term.
Anyone have any idea how to keep a LIPO cool in a hot car? I was thinking if it is possible to insulate a box to store it in, but once it gets hot how to cool it in an unattended car?

I cannot think of any real solutions.
Lipo batteries aren't a good choice in cars (and summer time).

They can explode and will burn.

This is the same type of lipo just a bit bigger:
[skip to 1:30 min; this is the same type and the same "blown up" lipo]

The smoke is very dangerous.
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Capacitors are the way forward :D
Capacitors are the way forward :D
Unfortunately, you cannot record for hours on a capacitor. Any manageable one only gives a short span of time.

There must be something that can be done for power, besides using the car battery.
Unfortunately, you cannot record for hours on a capacitor. Any manageable one only gives a short span of time.

There must be something that can be done for power, besides using the car battery.

Why would you need a camera that records for hours in a car though on battery power? Just plug it in and leave it, that's where a capacitor is better
Why would you need a camera that records for hours in a car though on battery power? Just plug it in and leave it, that's where a capacitor is better
I'm thinking for parking mode. Capacitor is only enough juice to save current video, not enough to power it while parked
None have batteries large enough to run for any worthwhile amount of time, the larger the battery the bigger the liability anyway
I'm thinking for parking mode. Capacitor is only enough juice to save current video, not enough to power it while parked

If you have a constant power to the cig lighter socket you can leave the camera plugged in with a super cap, safer then a Lipo battery if hot
None have batteries large enough to run for any worthwhile amount of time, the larger the battery the bigger the liability anyway

for what I am looking for, I already have a battery good enough. Now it is just to find solutions. There are a couple around such as cooling boxes, or actual cooling systems for the car. The cooling system I have not looked into too much just because it sounds pricey.

If you have a constant power to the cig lighter socket you can leave the camera plugged in with a super cap, safer then a Lipo battery if hot

Then I risk running down the battery :( I would need to install some sort of protection, if that is possible for the cig lighter.
for what I am looking for, I already have a battery good enough. Now it is just to find solutions. There are a couple around such as cooling boxes, or actual cooling systems for the car. The cooling system I have not looked into too much just because it sounds pricey.

Then I risk running down the battery :( I would need to install some sort of protection, if that is possible for the cig lighter.

Depends how long you plan to leave it :)