What is the cost of return shipping to China?


Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
A118C, G90
Hi, I have this concern how about buying dashcams from China. Let's say if it's DOA than the seller should pay for return shipping. From reading most of the warranties on their websites they want the buyer to pay for return shipping. I'd rather buy from USA companies. Does anyone know how much does it cost to ship item back from USA to China? Does anyone know any sellers that actually pay for return shipping for DOA's/warranties? Thanks in advance.
For me it wasn't worth the risk just to save a few dollars on the initial purchase. Either buy from a US based seller (Pier28 or Spytek are both highly thought of on this forum) or from Amazon if it's fulfilled by Amazon
USPS won't ship it, cameras are on the prohibited list so you'd need a freight company like DHL or FedEx, they will be a problem if it has a battery
I bought three from china direct and the last through amazon.

IMHO and personal experience, the most often difficulty is becomming familiar with operation and powering.

I didn't need to send any back, but if retuns were convenient, I wouldn't have overcome nuances and wouldn't have a dashcam.

Both purchase paths were fine. I'll likely buy direct again over amazon. Since units referenced here are now available in greater numbers on amazon, if you have apprehension, I suggest that path.